Hospital of Saint-Eustache

2.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hospital of Saint-Eustache

520 Bd Arthur-Sauvé, Saint-Eustache, Quebec J7R 5B1, Canada
Lise Speeckaert on Google

I have mixed experience at this hospital. Surgical wards we're excellent. Emergency was scary during the pandemic. Some of the people working there seemed to have difficulty understanding basic hygiene procedures even when they were told repeatedly. The doctors and nurses were caring
Alexis Andruskiewitsch on Google

Im at St. Eustache Hospital because of a sudden pain on the right side of abdomen. I had no other symptoms. I spent 36 hours in the emergency in very close proximity to many patients. Should have taken pictures. Of course, before any test, before seeing any doctor I went through a COVID test (which came back negative). In the emergency, I started developping a fever. I passed a bunch of tests, none of which showed anything wrong. I don't have any Covid symptoms other than the fever, which very probably is related to my stomach pains and may be due to some sort of infection... I wouldn't know, the doctors don't know. During my 36 h stay in the emergency room I was also told my tests would continue externally at other clinics. They were done with the tests that they wanted me to go through and said I was going to be "congédié" soon. I was also done with them for letting me just be there for 24 h without food or any non conflicting explanations. With the packed emergency room and the staff who told me different things at every change of shift. I've asked multiple times for them to let me go to another hospital which they strongly discouraged me from doing. Because supposedly I was under good hands. Last night, I tried again, telling the nurse that I don't trust them anymore and starting from zero at a different hospital would not be much different as they're no closer to figuring out what I have. That's when she said that I was under iv antibiotics and it would not be adviceable to stop suddenly. And I found that histerical because, just that morning the doctor told me that my blood/urine didn't show any symptoms of infection. But the cherry on the cake is that he had also said that they would take me off of the antibiotics. Apparently, that same morning I receveived (without my knowledge/consent) more antibiotics. Now, I didnt know if I had misunderstood or what but I was supposed to receive more and was advised not to skip them... I didn't know what to do, so instead of opting for skipping on something that may be necessary, I chose to stay. I was also moved from the emergency to my "room". A couple of curtains (that don't even close all the way) in the middle of a corridor. Staff and patients alike passing by, constantly. After switching me to this "room" I was told that because of my fevers, I had to stay in isolation. Meaning that I was confined to the curtains (WHAT?!). So I was asked to not move. Not even to pee. They gave me a urinal that I could use to relieve myself, in public, in the middle of a corridor, behind the curtains. I'm 29 years old and 6'4" tall, I don't even fit in the stretcher that they put me on. I spent a night with my feet hanging out, the corridor's light in my face, hurting and barely able to move, trying to get a minimum 5 h of sleep. Finally, from what I could see, other patients are not being treated any better. Covid isolation is a complete joke. I don't think that I have Covid because I don't go out much other than to buy stuff but if I do, I'm exposing everyone passing by me. I'm posting this around 56 hour after I came to this hospital. Please share and don't let your loved ones come to this aweful mismanaged place. PS: I still don't know what I have and they still won't even give me a copy OR summary of my file.
Maik Maikovich on Google

The worst hospital i ever see. We came with my little princess at 12 o'Clock in the noon with hight temperature 40-41. Nurse he wasn't qualified of what he do. He put as on waiting room, waiting room was looks like jail with security. Security not leting you go to bathroom, were not allowed to leave the waiting room. Security behaved like gendarmes. The doctor received us after an eight hour wait after a small scandal. And held us for another 4 hours. Since I was told that only 1 doctor for the whole waiting room. I made sure of the incompetence of the nurse, security , and doctor.

Great hospital once your admitted but the ER is the WORST! If it’s a genuine emergency, call an ambulance but if you can, go to a city centre hospital instead of here, DO IT! It’ll save you hours if not potentially your life as with me and my bursting appendix being told the wait was 11 hours!! In the ER! I was in surgery 4 hours after arriving at the General!
philippe dagenais on Google

If you want to be discriminated and treated as a second class citizen, this is the place to go. If you are not a French speaking white person you will get their very worse, specially the ultrasound department administrative staff.
Danielle Shanks on Google

Horrible. Serious knee injury and when I asked for ice as I was obviously swollen and in horrible pain, I was told I would get some and never did. The reevaluating nurse made me feel I was bothering her and by the time I saw someone my leg was swollen and the pain much worse. 8 hours later and still not seen a doctor. Disorganized and the nurse at 5:30 pm who reevaluated me was impolite and bossy
Mastora Rasoli on Google

My husband just wants to check his nose as he is injured. We are waiting here for 11 hours and there is no one to talk with. One doctor and more than 40 patients. Please Canada don't focus on politics or economy, when you are not capable to manage your health service for your Nation. This is totally insult for the whole peoples I see here in this hospital. I am disappointed.
Amelia-Ashley Menard on Google

I went to go visit my grandmother but I have extreme ptsd and anxiety with hospitals and I need someone with me. It took lots of grounding techniques to help me get in through the doors but my mom was with me and she helped explain our situation to the security guards and they let us through. We had a short visit with my grandmother before visiting hours ended and as we were leaving we were stopped by a nurse who told us that we weren't allowed to be in there with two people. I explained that I have ptsd and that I can't be alone by myself in hospitals and she said that she didn't care and it was only supposed to be one person. I'm deeply hurt by this interaction since we were already allowed in by security. I literally just wanted to see my grandmother and there's this whole kerfuffle about me not allowed being in there with support due to mental troubles. I WAS TOLD NOT TO COME BACK. We were very distraught by this and hope it doesn't happen again to people like me.

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