Clinique Médicale Privée ExcelleMD - Terrebonne - Terrebonne

3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Clinique Médicale Privée ExcelleMD - Terrebonne

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3195 Boulevard De La Pinière O #101, Terrebonne, QC J6X 4P7, Canada

Phone : 📞 +878
Postal code : 6
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3195 Boulevard De La Pinière O #101, Terrebonne, QC J6X 4P7, Canada
Mélanie on Google

J'ai obtenu un rdv le jour même pour mon enfant avec de sévères démangeaisons. C'est la seule raison pour laquelle je donne 2 étoiles. Pour le reste, mon fils se fait prescrire une crème et des comprimés. Une agence administrative me rappelle pour me dire que mon enfant aura seulement une crème finalement. J'arrive à la pharmacie.... on ne donne des comprimés ?! Confuse, je questionne la pharmacienne qui contacte l'infirmière de la clinique . Une semaine sans nouvelle. Personne ne me rappelle ou rappelle la pharmacie. 1 semaine plus tard la pharmacie est rappelée. On les assure que 2 produits on été prescrits, pas un. ...confusion TOTALE. Je regrette d'avoir payé si cher pour que mon fils soit mal soigné. Je ne recommande pas.
I got an appointment the same day for my child with severe itching. This is the only reason I give 2 stars. For the rest, my son is prescribed a cream and tablets. An administrative agency calls me back to tell me that my child will only have one cream after all. I arrive at the pharmacy .... we do not give tablets ?! Confused, I question the pharmacist who contacts the clinic nurse. A week without news. No one reminds me or reminds me of the pharmacy. 1 week later the pharmacy was called back. They are assured that 2 products have been prescribed, not one. ... TOTAL confusion. I regret paying so much for my son to be poorly cared for. I do not recommend.
Chmile Maya on Google

L'heure du rdv n'est pas respectée. Pris pour attendre. N.B. Faire attention avec le chemin donné sur google maps, car il nous envoient sur la rue en arrière dans le quartier résidentiel. J'ai corrigé l'adresse. La clinique est près du Club piscine.
The appointment time is not respected. Taken to wait. N.B. Be careful with the path given on google maps, because it sends us on the street back in the residential area. I corrected the address. The clinic is near the Pool Club.
Love on Google

J'ai eu un rendez-vous très rapidement et j'ai été prise en charge très rapidement également à mon arrivée. La prise de rendez-vous en ligne est très pratique. J'ai eu une très belle expérience avec une des médecins sur place.
I had an appointment very quickly and was taken care of very quickly when I arrived. Online appointment booking is very convenient. I had a great experience with one of the doctors there.
Paméla Truchon on Google

Je consulte car mon bébé de 13 mois à une grosse toux ,nez qui coule ,paupière rougeâtre , elle me dit dallez a l’urgence et quelle ne sait pas ,160$.
Jackie P. on Google

J'habite à l'étranger et je devais passer des examens médicaux lors de ma visite au Québec. N'ayant plus accès à la RAMQ, j'ai dû passer par le privé. Honnêtement, je ne sais pas pourquoi si peu de Québécois refusent de payer pour aller au privé. Franchement, vous payez une fortune pour votre cellulaire, mais vous ne voulez pas payer pour VOTRE SANTÉ alors que vous avez un système de santé publique en pleine décrépitude??? Bref, j'ai vu l'infirmière praticienne Anne-Marie Martin et elle a reglé tous mes problèmes. Payez, ça vaut la peine: c'est plus vite et le service est bien meilleur.
catherine coutu on Google

Problème avec les médicaments prescrits par l'infirmière praticienne, la pharmacienne a donc appelé à la clinique mais elle n'a jamais eu de réponse. Il me semble que c'est la moindre des choses que de faire un suivi avec la pharmacie. Est ce que j'étais supposée payer pour avoir des informations?? Mon homme aussi a eu une mauvaise expérience à cette clinique. Il a consulté pour un vilain rhume/ grippe. On ne lui a même pas écouté les poumons. Il est reparti avec des antibiotiques mais une semaine plus tard, il a dû reconsulter et finalement, c'était une double pneumonie!
Problem with the drugs prescribed by the nurse practitioner, the pharmacist called the clinic but she never heard back. It seems to me that it is the least of things to follow up with the pharmacy. Was I supposed to pay for information ?? My man also had a bad experience at this clinic. He consulted for a nasty cold / flu. We didn't even listen to his lungs. He left with antibiotics but a week later he had to consult again and finally, it was a double pneumonia!
Silvio on Google

Very bad service,very incompetent! Prescribed wrong medications waited 4 days with an infection with no call back ! Waste of money go see real professionals !
C. R. Yuen on Google

This Clinic is disorganized and a pain to deal with. I called on a Monday morning because of a 2 week cough. The girl tells me I have to visit the Clinic and cannot do a remote consultation. She tells me I will need to complete a rapid Covid test. The line cuts and since she hadn’t taken down my tel# yet, I call back. I get a different receptionist, she tells me that due to my symptoms, I cannot visit the a clinic and proceeded to booking a remote consultation for early afternoon. She instructs that I will receive 3 emails. 1. Terms and conditions of the clinic 2. Link to payment 3. Link to my video consultation I immediately read and sign the terms. I immediately proceed to the payment via PayPal. I later log on to the link, 5 mins early as instructed and wait. I waited 45 mins and no one came on. I’m about to call them to see what’s going on. They left me a voicemail that I needed to call and rebook a visit to a clinic. At this point I’m really irritated as, I wasted a whole half day and am sick and so very tired. These people didn’t bother emailing me that my rdv was canceled and didn’t bother canceling the link either… I call them back, the girl explains but their next availability is on Tuesday morning. They had a few slots but nothing in the afternoon. She informs I need to complete a rapid test and email a photo. I advised that I had completed 1 the night prior and tested negative. She advised it was obligatory and needed to be done on same day of visit. She provides me with the email address to use. I inquire about the payment I’ve made for the remote consult. Finally I get it refunded. Tuesday morning, I send in my rapid test as requested. Head to the clinic. On my drive, make a wrong turn while following the GPS. I make a stop due to a cough attack, can’t breathe when I get one of those. Totally unsafe to drive in this condition. I’m just 4mins away when the clinic calls me at 2mins passed my appointment time. I didn’t answer because I was driving. I arrive and park right in front. I’m 6mins late and the receptionist tells me she can’t take me because they can’t penalize other patients. I told her I can wait, I can’t leave and drive back as my cough is getting no worse. She asked me if I have my rapid test with me to which I responded I was told to email it. She said she didn’t received anything… she asked me to forward it to her and didn’t care about the condition I was in. There was zero patients in the wait room… at this point, I’m just tired and drained. I can’t think straight so I leave because there’s no way I’m going to wait 4 hours or drive home and drive back to the clinic. L What a waste of my time! Now I understand why they have such low reviews. The only reason I booked with this clinic is because my current doctor from MD-Plus was joining that clinic soon. While still in my parked car, I called MD-Plus and got a remote consultation booked just 50mins later. Doctor called on time and had my prescription sent and delivered 2 hours later. Which reminds me, the entire 30mins I was on site, no one walked in and no one new walked out of this location. So it’s BS that their bookings are 15mins each with no space until later in the afternoon. I rather pay more and stick with my current private clinic even if it means changing Doctors again just so I don’t need to deal with ExcelleMD’s disastrous service. Never again! There are plenty private clinics out there that offer impeccable service. MD-Plus and RocklandMD have always satisfied!

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