The Cat Hospital of Kamloops

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact The Cat Hospital of Kamloops

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1338 Battle St, Kamloops, BC V2C 2N8, Canada

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1338 Battle St, Kamloops, BC V2C 2N8, Canada
Jenna Henderson on Google

My cat was stolen from 100 mile house, and due to such a busy veterinary office in 100 mile, the lady that stole my cat brought him to Kamloops to get neutered (he was already neutered). This vet hospital scanned his micro chip and it lead back to me. The vet called and asked about the situation and kept me only hold numerous times for 10-15 minutes. I told them that 100 mile is very known for stealing cats and doing horrible things to them and this vet gave no remorse. They were going to give him back to the lady that stole the cat, even though I told them my brother was on his way. I asked them to stay open 10 minutes later so my brother could get our cat and they refused. So rude, no sympathy. Do not recommend this hospital.
Taylor Gourlie on Google

Took my cat here for a spay. The spay was done well and the rest of the staff were wonderful, however had a terrible experience with Dr Sandy. It seems he made an assumption about me and my pet ownership and entered the conversation with an attitude and was entirely disrespectful to me. While I am not a vet and I understand that, I was shocked at the way he spoke to me about my pet care practices, specifically for using more than one vet in the past despite a valid reason. Pushed a food brand I don't agree with and for no reason, especially since he admitted to me my cat was healthy although had "excessive abdominal fat" (which I also disagree with, and has never been brought to my attention by other vets). His staff informed me that my cat had a mouth infection and I agreed to the $90 charge for an additional exam, only to find out it was actually dermatitis from "chewing on things" (which he later said cats don't even do?). He then attempted to gaslight me by saying his staff never told me it was an infection, which I have a text with those exact words. To his credit he did waive this charge, however immediately told me never to come back. I am quite honestly blown away and spent the entire conversation confused. I have never experienced such horrible service by any medical professional (animal OR human) and to be spoken to as if I treat my animals horribly because I don't force them to go outside and don't feed them Purina, which he sells and pushed. I'm not sure if this was simply a bad day, or he assumed I'm incompetent based on my age, or what the issue was - rest assured he did not need to tell me not to return, as I wouldn't have to begin with. I'd like to reiterate that the rest of the staff was lovely and very helpful. I really hope Dr Sandy can work on his approach.
Marcie on Google

I cannot express enough just how thankful I am for the amazing staff at this place. My kitty was hit a couple weeks ago by a car (or so we think) - we originally brought her to vet closer to our house in the Shuswap and learned that she had a dislocated hip and needed surgery to put it back in place. After 5 days of waiting to hear from them on a surgery date I finally learned that it wouldn't be for another 2 weeks. Mortified and unwilling to leave my kitty in pain for that long I reached out to this hospital. I got a consult the very next day and Dr. Sandy (who was suppose to leave on vacation the following day) stayed to perform the surgery for my girl!! It may be a longer drive for me, but if either of my fur faces need to see a vet, you can guarantee that I'll be taking them here from now on!! THANK YOU to Dr.Sandy and all of the lovely staff - I appreciate your compassion, dedication and willingness to help!!
Regan Gaudet on Google

I will start this off by saying I don’t normally write any reviews on any type of service. I believe every person, or business, makes mistakes and shouldn’t be judged by one. But this mistake put my pets life at risk so it needs to be heard by any potential clients of The Cat Hospital. We brought our cat Luna to their facility when she was six months old. This was not our normal veterinary I want to make that very clear. My husband had heard that the SPCA was giving vouchers for spaying to certain vets so we received one and thought it was safe enough as this vet was popular in Kamloops. We dropped Luna off at around 8AM for her appointment and returned at 430 when contacted to pick her up. Upon pick up, nothing was told to me other than the spaying went well and to have a good day. Once we got home, we noticed there was some secondary cuts beside her incision site that had been glued shut. There was excess glue all over the entire site. I called The Cat Hospital immediately who advised Luna had done this to herself. They claimed that after they had applied topical anesthetic that she began “clawing and scratching” the area. I immediately was in shock as I’ve never seen my cat, or any animal for that matter, claw themselves until their skin is cut and damaged. I ended the call as I wasn’t sure what else to say and received a call back within a few minutes. They stated that they had actually been shaving Luna and cut her in error. They did not apologize for the incident or for their initial lie and did not provide any aftercare instructions for this wound. Later that evening, we happened to notice Luna was acting strangely before bed. After catching her and looking at her incision site, we noticed a small opening at the top. The incision had opened and blood was pouring out all over our floor. I grabbed my phone and contacted the after hours number for The Cat Hospital for assistance. The line was answered by a “Dr. Drew”. I explained the situation and they stated there was no emergency and the wound could be inspected in the morning. I advised that I would prefer it be inspected as it had opened and blood was pouring out. Now I will say, I spent a good 10 minutes trying to convince this person that this was an emergent situation after they stated multiple times it was not. They finally agreed to see Luna, subject to an after hours emergency fee of $400 regardless of the fact that they had performed the incision I agreed because my cats health meant much more than $400 to me. I will not get into many details about what happened when we met this Dr.Drew because my husband, myself and Luna are still traumatized to this day by what happened in that room. Dr. Drew put my animals life at risk more so than I had ever experienced before. He glued his fingers mistakenly to the incision site and ended up ripping the entire incision open and had to staple it back shut on the table with no topical anesthetic or freezing whatsoever. No after care instructions were given and we were sent home. Thankfully our regular vet was able to see us the next morning and remove the poor applied staples and insure Luna would have a safe and painless healing from their mistakes. After filing a serious complaint to The BC College of Veterinarians, I was notified Dr. Drew is not even a registered vet. He was operating the after hours emergency line as a newly graduated student with no experience. The lack of care for an animals well being is so disgusting and for that reason I would warn anyone bringing their animal to this place. The college has fined Dr. Sandy so he will pay for this mistake but that doesn’t mean they won’t continue to endanger the lives of animals so that is why I am leaving this review. The worst part of this all was when I presented this information to Dr. Sandy the day after, he made excuse after excuse for Dr. Drew’s actions citing “he’s just a young guy who makes mistakes” and “he’s learning”, etc. I’m sorry but you should have the MOST experienced vet on these after hours calls as they could be life or death.
Angela Lyall on Google

Dr Sandy and staff were so accommodating when I called with a concern about our cats breathing. We were able to bring her in right away and it turned out her heart was failing. Thankfully they were able to save our cats life in time! She is doing so much better now. We are forever grateful!
Being Belle on Google

We just Rescued a Kitty Meow Meow and wanted to get him a Wellness Exam. We called 2 other places and they were booked up for another 2 months....we called The Cat Hospital and they got us in the following week...We Love that they specialize in Cats, and Dr. Sandy has been doing his practice for over 50 years! This made us feel Confident and Comfortable with The Cat Hospital. The Staff were all very knowledgable and we sincerely felt taken care of. We instantly became Loyal Clients and will be bringing our little Milo back to The Cat Hospital for his Lifetime. Much Love, B
Diane McMillan on Google

The most caring vet Dr Erin is!!! Unfortunately my cat had a very bad experience at another vet. Cat Hospital got my Milo in quickly and went above and beyond compared to other vet! Highly recommend Cat Hospital
Kel-c Jules on Google

My cat Rocky was really sick one evening and I was very worried about him. So I called the cat hospital and the vet was able to see me after hours. She gave him some shots and some medicine to see if it would help. And if not to bring him back in the morning. I am so grateful that I was able to at least try and get the medicine he needed. Thank you ♡

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