Ancien hopital

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Contact Ancien hopital

Address :

121 Rue Normand, Montreal, Quebec H2Y 2K6, Canada

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121 Rue Normand, Montreal, Quebec H2Y 2K6, Canada
Igor Pivovar on Google

Rick Vo on Google

Florela Petculescu on Google

Grey Nuns Househouse, cunoscută acum sub denumirea de Gray Nuns Building, este o fostă casă-mamă a maicilor gri, situată la 1190 Guy Street, în cartierul Ville-Marie, Montréal, Quebec, Canada. De asemenea, este numit Spitalul de călugărițe gri din Montréal. Clădirea a fost finalizată în 1871.
Gray Nuns Househouse, now known as the Gray Nuns Building, is a former mother house of gray nuns, located at 1190 Guy Street in the Ville-Marie neighborhood of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It is also called the Gray Nuns Hospital of Montreal. The building was completed in 1871.
Georges Younes on Google

I walked around this magnificently restored building and felt transported back in time. It's unfortunate that other buildings in Old Montreal have not fared as well. This building and others in the vicinity give you a feel of how the city looked and functioned centuries ago.

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