Caisse populaire Desjardins d'Hochelaga-Maisonneuve

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Caisse populaire Desjardins d'Hochelaga-Maisonneuve

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3871 Ontario St E, Montreal, Quebec H1W 1S7, Canada

Phone : 📞 +77
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3871 Ontario St E, Montreal, Quebec H1W 1S7, Canada
Louise B on Google

De loin, le pire service client qu'il m'a été de connaître dans une institution financière (J'ai 63 ans). Les caissières et employées, malgré leur gentillesse, n'ont aucune formation adéquate et que dire des supérieurs...franchement, je ne peux croire qu'on en est rendu là !
By far the worst customer service I have ever experienced at a financial institution (I'm 63). cashiers and employees, despite their kindness, have no adequate training and what about superiors... frankly, I can't believe we've come to this!
River Family on Google

Bonjour ! Vendredi 25 février je passe au comptoir de service avec un humain pour faire un dépôt et ensuite je décide de payer une facture, je demande "combien les frais pour cette transaction?" et le jeune homme au comptoir me dit que c'est inclus dans mon forfait et que ça ne coûte rien. Erreur ! On m'a changé 2,25$ Veuillez bien informer vos employés car j'aurais très bien pu la payer en ligne ma facture. Sinon, le personnel est courtois. Ça faisait plus d'une dizaine d'années que je n'avais pas eu un service humanisé.
Good morning ! Friday February 25 I go to the service counter with a human to make a deposit and then I decide to pay a bill, I ask "how much is the fee for this transaction?" and the young man at the counter tells me it's included in my package and it doesn't cost anything. Error ! They changed me $2.25 Please let your employees know as I could easily have paid my bill online. Otherwise, the staff is courteous. It had been more than ten years since I had had a humanized service.
Patrice Sirois on Google

Notre syndicat fait affaire avec cette succursale depuis plus de 20 ans. Hélas, ce sera la dernière fois d'ici quelques jours. Nous avons effectué un changement de signataires le 15 février 2022. En constatant que nous n'avions pas accès au compte, nous avons communiqué avec la banque à plusieurs reprises pour voir ce qui se passait. Nous avons eu la nouvelle il y a 2 jours qu'ils ont égaré les papiers relatifs à notre résolution de changement de signataires. Ils demandent que l'ancien Président (avec qui nous n'avons plus contact) de communiquer avec eux pour valider le tout. En tant que Président syndical, je suis stupéfait de voir qu'il n'y a aucun suivi à notre égard et ce même après tant d'années de loyauté. Soyez assuré que nous changerons de banque et que nous déposerons une plainte officielle. Les conséquences ont été non négligeables pour la gestion de notre trésorerie.
Our union has been doing business with this branch for over 20 years. Alas, it will be the last time in a few days. We made a change of signatories on February 15, 2022. Realizing that we did not have access to the account, we contacted the bank several times to see what was happening. We got the news 2 days ago that they misplaced the papers relating to our resolution to change signatories. They ask that the former President (with whom we no longer have contact) to communicate with them to validate everything. As Union President, I am amazed to see that there is no follow-up for us, even after so many years of loyalty. Rest assured that we will change banks and file a formal complaint. The consequences have been significant for the management of our cash flow.
Patrick Julien on Google

Standard Desjardins
G T on Google

Helpful service.
Thomas Clegg on Google

CONDO OWNERS BEWARE Told to come to this bank to have something signed for the condo account, they refer me back to the business center help line which referred me to this branch. Classic run around experience. This branch is terrible and needs training on business accounts, the staff have a typical not my problem attitude and take any chance to pass the buck. Still have an ongoing issue, could not recommend any less.
Joyce Taitt on Google

I'm worth on paper 2.8million dollars I have properties. I went to borrow on my properties that r almost all paid for. .I am still waiting for my money it's been close to 2 months. .we r 2 owners that borrowed a total of 90 thousand dollars. .it's approved but yet my partener gets a call to ask for I guess me my partner noticed it was the bank so he asked what about my side of the loan and the answer was who r you. .. I am still waiting I get a email saying that the bank will pay my bills 2 mrw . ..? what. ...I have bills that the amount r wrong who the hell r they to pay my bills.. I understand they would want a confirmation on certain bills paid I have no prlb wt that. .. but yo go ahead n pay my bills without knowing if the balances r true. ..wich I know some r not. ..I never had a bank do this and I made many many loans of all kinds and never did I have them pay anything for me. ...I had one father and one mother I don't need a bank acting like one especially when I have 2.8million of properties. .???????two pisted off customers.......that will pull there business from there I guess we to poor unimportant for them ????????????????????????????????????????????????
Québec on Google

Are you busy? Are you in a rush? Do you need specific questions answered in a timely manner? Because none of this matters here. Enjoy long waiting line and obnoxious machines telling you where to go before waiting even longer! Not as great as you'd think. They do have 4 ATM so there's a bit of a relief there but the clerks are basically useless and they all respond to the manager which is worse than Schrödinger's cat: he is there to answer clerks questions (kind of) and also not there if YOU need to talk to him. The waiting line music is elevator level and will fill you with existential dread.

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