
4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact 360°kids

Address :

10415 Yonge St, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 0Z3, Canada

Phone : 📞 +979
Website : http://www.360kids.ca/
Categories :
City : C

10415 Yonge St, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 0Z3, Canada
Verified Victor-Vladamir Velitchko on Google

This locations have many services for anyone 16-26. Better to call in to see which services work for what you need! Very clean and all precautions being followed.
Erika Gerald on Google

My comment pertains specifically to the "End Workplace Bullying" post that was shared 2 weeks ago as I find it extremely untrue, attacking in nature, adds to workplace bullying, and only sheds light on the fact that this individual had a poor experience working with Denise. This post reflects the experience had between 2 people several years ago in an environment that has absolutely nothing to do with the 360 Kids agency or Denise's role there. Denise has earned her position because she is educated, caring, compassionate and client centered, you being intimidated by her does not give you permission to slander her on the internet for all of her clients and employer to see. I have personally worked with Denise for many years, she is a great role model and does her job well. She is very experienced working in the shelter system and assisting clients at risk, your personal view of her does not take away from this or from the numerous clients she has assisted in the past and continues to do so daily. Hurting people because you feel they have hurt you does not solve the issue... You say you want to end workplace bullying yet you're adding to it by making such hurtful, negative posts about somebody and their role you know nothing about, shame on you. Let's ignore the fact that the statements made are completely and utterly untrue... Say this person genuinely felt like they were bullied... Why not report it and deal with it like an adult at your workplace rather than bring it to the internet? That's bullying all on its own. Or how about the fact that now you've associated this tasteless review about Denise with 360 Kids... Kids are supposed to feel safe going to this agency but now they may feel discouraged to attend because you felt like telling them your personal opinion on a worker there. You worked in a shelter before so I can only hope you want to help people, sadly your post has the opposite effect as it actually serves as a deterrent even though your statements are untrue. I can't speak to how this person felt but I can speak to the type of person Denise is and what kind of worker she is... The "end workplace bullying" person who wasn't even confident enough to use their own name has sadly misrepresented Denise and I just want to remind everyone that for every negative comment made about someone, there are 100 positive ones. Do not let that negative review about a worker at 360 Kids deter you from accessing this agency if you require their services because I assure you, you will be safe, heard, and respected, ESPECIALLY if Denise is the one supporting you.
Sade` Phillips on Google

This is a review for the location close to Mc Cowan and 14th. COMPLETE Gibberish! Suitable for street youths and young adults (16-19) who just want the cash and to work in a fast food place. I would never recommend this place. Taylor the instructor, isn’t knowledgeable, determined and should be a employment specialist. She sent me a resume back that WAS NEVER EDIT than adding PRESENT and you can’t put PRESENT on a resume if you’re not working there anymore! Where is your head?! I had to laugh at first. Only on the last day she tried to act like she was doing something because others were there watching her work. Big ole joke. Like other employment programs I’ve done in Toronto, this cannot compare. In the end, I got a job myself. Pathetic
Candace Torrance on Google

The HOPE program is a joke. The intake counsellors do not communicate with the housing coordinator. (Yes, there's only one. She's awful and works another job.) She would routinely tell me that she didn't want me in the program, but then expect me to be grateful for meeting me in public places and interrogating me about conditions that she assured my counsellor wouldn't be an obstacle to me being in the program. Up until that point she hid the fact that I needed to reapply to be accepted into the program, was very unclear on what conditions I was supposed to meet, asked if I terminated my lease despite clearly objecting to taking me to see apartments, told me I should be grateful that she's taking time out of her day to talk to me, all while blatantly ignoring texts inquiring about my status in the program. The fact that staff pick through these reviews and say that we, the clients, should take time out of our day to contact the workers. How can we do this if we're supposed to be working and doing the unpaid work of case managing our case managers? Sam, they should have never given you that SSW diploma.
D M on Google

360Kids is an amazing place for at risk youth programs and help. The staff is incredibly passionate and hardworking.
Anne Goodman on Google

I can't say enough good things about this program. My son was able to find a summer job through the Youth Job Connect -Summer program and he is extremely happy. The people running the program are incredibly helpful and responsive, and the service they provide is amazing. If I could give them 6 stars I would!
Cris on Google

Apparently this is proper work ethic... Mind you this person is one of only two full-time primary workers for the at-risk youth here at the shelter not to mention the signee is the other only primary worker both persons working 5 days a week meanwhile the truly dedicated and genuinely caring employees are rendered to work part-time at much lower rates. Emailing the PM about this, not acceptable esspecially when this behaviour from a client warrants a possible immediate eviction. This is according to the client handbook provided to me which was signed and dated by the person named as the award winner in the photo. I guess the practice of double standards is common place for these employees... *****Update: December 15, 2021 Here's what the men's washroom looks like on a typical day.
Michelle Lam on Google

in august and september of 2018, one of my friends referred me to the Base 4 Success employment program. for anyone who has minimal or no job experience, i would strongly recommend filling in the referral/participant application form for this program. it is a 12 week paid program that provides youth with transferrable workplace skills and various certifications that you'd normally have to pay for (e.g., Smart Serve, WHIMIS, Food Handler, First Aid/CPR, etc). i worked particularly with Jesse and Chevonne. Jesse was the facilitator for my classes and Chevonne was a great supportive system and assisted in transportation methods for anyone who could not afford to pay for public transportation. the place was clean, organized, and we were given free breakfast and lunch throughout the day!! the options were diverse and healthy as well :) when i was in the process for going to job interviews, Chevonne was very sweet and drove me to the places and would offer to get me bubble tea after my interviews as well. unfortunately, most of the bubble tea shops were closed but the sentiment is what mattered <3 the entire staff at 360 kids was very supportive in my job search process (i have had previous jobs but struggled due to structural barriers and bad job experiences) and they r the reason why i have the confidence that i have now! i will be forever grateful for their employment programs

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