Bijouterie Doucet

2.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bijouterie Doucet

Address :

Promenades St-Bruno, 169 Bd des Promenades, Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, QC J3V 5K2, Canada

Phone : 📞 +88
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City : V

Promenades St-Bruno, 169 Bd des Promenades, Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, QC J3V 5K2, Canada
un mec sympa on Google

Service extrêmement lent, les vendeuses sont incompétentes et ont de la difficulté a mettre un rabais. Ont énormément de difficulté a utilisé la caisse. Les vendeuses étaient aussi sèches et EXTRÊMEMENT désagréable. Même une étoile c'est une note trop gentille pour se magasin, pire expérience que j'ai vécu.
Extremely slow service, the sales assistants are incompetent and have difficulty putting a discount. Have great difficulty using the cash register. The saleswomen were also dry and EXTREMELY rude. Even a star is too kind a note to store, the worst experience I have had.
Thomas Houle on Google

Vendeuse incompétente et extrêmement lente qui ne sait pas appliquer un rabais correctement. Les employés sont déplacés et tentent par tous les moyens de faire davantages de ventes, notamment en suggérant des ajustements de factures par cartes cadeau!! N'achetez jamais à ce magasin, à moins que vous ayez une passion pour les employés froids et impolis qui ne savent pas utiliser l'informatique. Même une étoile c'est trop pour ce magasin.
Incompetent and extremely slow saleswoman who does not know how to apply a discount correctly. The employees are moved and try by all means to make more sales, in particular by suggesting adjustments of invoices by gift cards !! Never buy from this store, unless you have a passion for cold, rude employees who don't know how to use computers. Even a star is too much for this store.
Yazid Djeziri on Google

Horrible comme service! Zéro sur 10!! Il m'ont fais déplacé 5 fois par rapport à un défaut de leur faute, et plutôt de demandé des excuses, la gérante ma insulté au téléphone !! Jamais je mettrai mes pieds la bas
Kathia Goyette on Google

Sylvie au dou et st bruno. Excellent service ma bague de fiancailles a briser à plusieurs reprise elle m’en a fournie une neuve du aux réparations multiples. Merci beaucoup pour ce service incroyable
Sylvie at dou and st bruno. Excellent service my engagement ring broke several times she provided me with a new one due to multiple repairs. Thank you so much for this amazing service
Jean-Guy Duc on Google

very friendly people

Mauricio Mda on Google

Terrible Customer service. The manager wasn’t polite at all, super rude and with a terrible attitude. You are running out of business if you keep this way. Do yourself a favor and look for another jewelry store.
Lethiwe Nkwanyana on Google

Horrific!! Just terrible service!!! Disrespectful! The ladies ignored me for 20 minutes standing, the dark haired lady said " it won't be long madame", the other (light hair) was just standing there fiddling with receipts and she looks at me, our eyes locked, she said nothing! Later the other lady tells her to help me, all this while I'm watching, she drags herself towards me with an attitude, next to me new clients had walked in, she then asks them, ignoring me "Was she here before you?" I was livid!! For 20 minutes standing there ALONE you mean you don't see me! I gave her a piece of my mind and collected my ring & left. I WILL NEVER SET FOOT THERE EVER AGAIN!

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