Sulphur Skyline Trail

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

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Alberta T0E 0E0, Canada

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Description : Trail passing through the tree line to a high mountain peak, with hot springs on the way down.

Alberta T0E 0E0, Canada
Jecil on Google

Good trail with a great view, very refreshing. but It was pretty windy up there bring jacket.
Veronique Moreau on Google

Nice hike but difficult if you don’t do hike so offen. Have good shorts with you for thé top! The last 400m are something.
Andreas Berko on Google

Extremely rewarding but tough hike. Start at the Miette Hot Springs. Most of the trail is somewhat shaded until you get above the tree line, then the magnificent views open up. Be sure to wear good hiking footwear and bring water.
Tyler Wright on Google

The hike is definitely a moderate hike, the views are worth it, however the trail is narrow, steep and full of switchbacks at about the hallway point then once you get to the meadow and people say it's only 400m more to the top it gets incredibly more difficult. Bring water, take your time and enjoy the scenery
Will Stapleton on Google

Effort to views ratio Is amazing. A foot of snow within an hour of the top. Wear high top hiking boots if going in September onward. Bring a jacket, most of us wore shorts however. They are golden crested ground squirrels not chipmunks!
Kohos S on Google

Steep hike with beautiful views! Peek is windy, hold on to your cap and take a windbreaker. Did not see wildlife besides a crow
Ron Strauss on Google

Wide well defined easy to follow trail the whole way up. Starts as a gentle incline and gets steeper as you go. The last part after the meadows being by far the steepest. For us today it was 4 stars just because of the smoke. It was light when we started and was very thick when we got to the summit. We plan to return one day when there is better visibility. We recorded 9.9 KM and 671 M of elevation gain.
Bethany on Google

The hike up was grueling for my group of sedentary gamers, but there are plenty of opportunities to stop as frequently as needed without obstructing the path. It is an uphill incline the entire way, and only gets steeper as you ascend. Pacing is key for those who are out of shape; many people who were walking slower than us actually beat us to the summit because they didn't have to take as many breaks. In our excitement we moved too quickly and as a result had to take breaks at every opportunity. As you near the top, there are a couple of "wow!" moments where a break in the trees reveals how far you've come. These spots were definitely inspiring for us to keep going. At the false summit, you are treated to an amazing view and it seems like it can't possibly get any better (but it can!). The false summit is very spacious, and is a great spot for a picnic. Going all the way to the peak is definitely worth it, though. The last 400m is a tough climb up a steep gravel-covered slope. Hiking poles were extremely helpful here. At the peak you'll have a full 360 degree view of all the surrounding mountains, most of which were not visible at all at any point along the way. It took us a little under 3 hours to ascend, and 1 hour to descend, but many people passed us in both directions so it can definitely be done in less time if you're fit. When we started at 9:30AM, there were only 3 other groups heading up. But on the way down the trail was getting crowded and the parking lot was completely full of cars (and bighorn sheep!). I'd recommend going early to avoid crowds at the summit.

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