Residence L'Eden

2.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Residence L'Eden

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8528 Bd Lévesque E, Laval, Quebec H7A 1W6, Canada

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8528 Bd Lévesque E, Laval, Quebec H7A 1W6, Canada
Samuel Jacques on Google

Une jolie résidence située sur le bord de l'eau. Très belle vue. Un personnel professionnel qui mérite facilement 5 étoiles pour leurs travail remarquable.
A pretty residence located on the edge of the water. Very beautiful view. A professional staff that easily deserves 5 stars for their outstanding work.
Claude Roy on Google

Notre mère a passé les 4 derniers mois de sa vie à la résidence de l'Eden, elle y est décédée le 24 septembre 2019. Un personnel attentif, à l'écoute et avec beaucoup d'empathie. Elle était au 2ième étage, pour personnes en perte cognitive. Merci à toute l'équipe de l'Eden.
Our mother spent the last 4 months of her life at the residence of Eden, she died there on September 24, 2019. An attentive staff, listening and with great empathy. She was on the 2nd floor, for people with cognitive loss. Thank you to the whole Eden team.
Marcel Tanguay on Google

Je ne comprends pas comment le gouvernement ne réagis pas à la mauvaise situation qui prévaut dans cette résidence . Les résidents ne reçoivent pas les soins de base . Demeure dans leur couches sales et n'est pas sanctionné.Leur licence devrait être retiré.
I do not understand how the government is not reacting to the bad situation that prevails in this residence. Residents do not receive basic care. Remains in their dirty diapers and is not penalized. Their license should be withdrawn.
Lise Savoie on Google

Merci mille fois à TOUT le personnel du rez-de-chaussée qui se sont occupé de nos parents pendant 3 ans. Vous avez été leur 2e famille. Vous avez tout fait afin qu'ils soient bien et heureux. Nous avons une pensée spéciale pour Sophia. Si c'était à refaire, on choisirait encore L'Eden. Merci, merci, merci!!! Famille Savoie.
Many thanks to ALL the staff on the ground floor who took care of our parents for 3 years. You were their 2nd family. You did everything to make them happy and happy. We have a special thought for Sophia. If it had to be done again, we would still choose Eden. Thanks thanks thanks!!! Savoie family.
Josee Menard on Google

C'est inconcevable de traiter nos ainés avec si peu d'empathie! La ministre doit intervenir, il y a la DPJ pour les enfants, alors pourquoi pas la même chose pour nos ainés? Une fin de vie décente est ce trop demandé? Impensable que ce centre opère encore !!! Tellement triste pour nos aînés. J'ai une pensée pour tout ceux qui ont séjourné à cet endroit et ceux qui y séjournent toujours. Tristesse.
It is inconceivable to treat our elders with so little empathy! The Minister must intervene, there is the DYP for children, so why not the same thing for our elders? Is a decent end of life too much to ask? Unthinkable that this center is still operating !!! So sad for our seniors. I have a thought for all those who have stayed at this place and those who still stay there. Sadness.
Myriam Dubord on Google

C'est le pire endroit au monde. Si j'avais pu ne mettre aucune étoile je l'aurais fait! Ils traitent nos aînés comme du bétail, et encore. Je connais des vaches qui sont mieux traitées qu'eux! J'arrêterais de travailler et prendrais mes parents chez moi faute de moyens avant de les envoyer dans un endroit pareil! Quelle honte pour notre société...
It's the worst place in the world. If I could have put no stars I would have! They treat our elders like cattle, and again. I know cows that are treated better than them! I would stop working and take my parents home for lack of means before sending them to such a place! What a shame for our society...
Dominic Marois on Google

This is the worst place ever. My grandmother was there for one day and we found her not fed, in her feces, her clothes were all dirty. My grandmother was suffering a degenerative disease and only a couple hours in this horrible place and she lost almost all the capacities she had left. Honestly, I would not put even the worst prisonner in that place. Nobody deserves to go under such bad treatments.
Cathy Carlone on Google

If there was a minus rating, that's what I would give this place. My mom was admitted this past December and died last Saturday from COVID. The total lack of care from the top (administration) all the way down was horrible. My mom was put here in a transitional bed (we did not want her here) and we fought red tape and evaluations and bureaucracy but in the end we never made it to move her out of that place. They kept blaming my mom for not feeding her, bathing her, etc. because she was aggressive.... you are CHSLD with trained personnel (supposedly) that should be able to care for these elderly people. I was told by the government that these institutions are there to help the most vulnerable and those that can't help themselves. Monsieur Legault - the families of ALL these residences want answers and the TRUTH.... it's too late for my mom, but there are countless others that you can help.

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