Proxim pharmacie affiliée - Jean-François Morin, Benoit Morin et Stéphane Morin

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Proxim pharmacie affiliée - Jean-François Morin, Benoit Morin et Stéphane Morin

Address :

5955 Rue Sherbrooke E, Montréal, QC H1N 1B7, Canada

Phone : 📞 +7
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5955 Rue Sherbrooke E, Montréal, QC H1N 1B7, Canada
Eric Faussurier on Google

Nous y avons loué un tire-lait Medela pour quelques mois. Le processus était simple et on a pu renouveler facilement la location au téléphone. Merci pour ce service!
We rented a Medela breast pump for a few months. The process was simple and we could easily renew the rental on the phone. Thank you for this service!
matthieu blondin on Google

L'expérience était géniale il y a quelques années mais s'est dégradée avec le temps. Les problèmes se multiplient. Mauvaise communications avec le médecin ou le client, erreurs dans les commandes. Pas de pharmacien dur place donc impossible de récupérer nos médicaments. On dirait qu'il va un désintéressement de la parts des employés.
The experience was great a few years ago but has deteriorated over time. The problems multiply. Poor communications with the doctor or the client, errors in the orders. No hard pharmacist places therefore impossible to recover our drugs. Looks like there is going to be a disinterest on the part of the employees.
Julianne Bedard-Vallée on Google

La pharmacienne utilise un ton condescendant. Refuse de préparer le médicament de mon fils allergiques aux autres antibiotiques alors qu’il nous avait dit oui. Elle ma presque raccroché au nez. C’est assez inhumain laisser un bébé de 2 ans souffrir.. bref, À ÉVITER!!!!
The pharmacist uses a condescending tone. Refused to prepare the medicine for my son who was allergic to other antibiotics even though he had told us yes. She almost hung up on me. It's pretty inhuman to let a 2 year old baby suffer ... in short, AVOID !!!!
Fannie Boisvert on Google

Il y a toujours une erreur lorsque je fais affaire avec eux. J'ai envoyé un message à ce sujet il y a plus d'une semaine demandant un rappel et toujours rien. Je pense sincèrement à changer de pharmacie.
There is always a mistake when doing business with them. I sent a message about this over a week ago asking for a reminder and still nothing. I am sincerely thinking of changing pharmacy.
Lisa_Mtl on Google

Staff was amazing
Dawn Foran on Google

Free delivery 7 days a week and very helpful pharmacist and staff. Can't ask for more
J J on Google

Horrible, slow and rude. Filled a prescription for the first time, they instructed me to wait in the waiting room and someone would call me. Waited over 45 mins and nothing, finally asked them and she had gotten it right away, it seems that had just forgotton about me. Also the 4 people limit they have for covid for the waiting room means nothing as i ended up packed in there with at least 10 other people at one point. Horrible first experience, definately wont be returning.
M M on Google

Not impressed one bit. Went there for the covid vaccine and saw how this was a mickey mouse operated business. Had an appointment at 4 pm on may 12th( showed up ahead of time) they randomly decided to pass people with later Appointments ahead of me(people scheduled at 4:30, 4:45 etc). Asked what was going on at the counter and no-one had a clue. Asked them to cancel my appointment so I could register somewhere else and once a again no one had a clue. I see a theme here "no one has a clue". So frustrating that I even left without getting vaccinated. Would definitely not trust someone that can't read time to put a needle in my arm!

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