Multi-Prêts Hypothèques Équipe Premium Petite-Patrie

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Multi-Prêts Hypothèques Équipe Premium Petite-Patrie

6799 Boul. Saint-Laurent, Montréal, QC H2S 3C8, Canada
jude malewo on Google

J'ai reçu un service formidable et professionnel de la part de Madame Francesca Pellicano durant tout le processus d'achat de ma 1ere maison. Merci encore pour votre sérieux dans l'analyse de dossier et les bons tuyaux que vous nous avez apporté. Je recommande fortement.
I received a wonderful and professional service from Mrs. Francesca Pellicano during the whole process of buying my 1st house. Thank you again for your serious analysis of the file and the good tips you have given us. I highly recommend.
Dominique R on Google

J'ai fait affaire à plusieurs reprises avec Sophie Ferrando pour achat et renouvellement d'hypothèques. Son service est efficace, adapté, irréprochable à chaque opération. Cela m'a réglé beaucoup de maux de tête!! Merci Sophie et toute son équipe.
I have done business with Sophie Ferrando several times for buying and renewing mortgages. Its service is efficient, adapted, irreproachable with each operation. It solved a lot of headaches !! Thank you Sophie and all her team.
Laura Vitalis on Google

Excellent service de la part de Sophie qui nous conseille et nous accompagne dans la réalisation de nos projets depuis plus de 6 ans! Je recommande fortement !
Excellent service from Sophie who has been advising and supporting us in carrying out our projects for over 6 years! I highly recommend !
Melanie Sabourin on Google

C'est une première expérience pour moi avec un courtier hypothécaire et honnêtement, c'est une révélation! Francesca a pris tout le temps nécessaire pour répondre à mes questions et surtout, j'ai senti qu'elle était à l'écoute de mes besoins particuliers. J'ai vraiment le sentiment d'être tombée sur la bonne personne!! Je la recommande sincèrement, elle est fantastique!
This is a first experience for me with a mortgage broker and honestly, it's a revelation! Francesca took all the time necessary to answer my questions and especially, I felt she was listening to my special needs. I really feel like I have fallen on the right person !! I sincerely recommend it, it is fantastic!
Daniele Sansoucy on Google

J'ai fait mon premier achat l'an dernier. J'étais nerveuse, je n'y connaissais absolument rien. Sophie Ferrando a été ma courtière hypothécaire et elle m'a beaucoup aidé. Elle a été d'une grande patience et à l'écoute tout au long du processus. Son service est humain et professionnelle. Je la recommande vivement.
I made my first purchase last year. I was nervous, I knew absolutely nothing about it. Sophie Ferrando was my mortgage broker and she helped me a lot. She has been very patient and attentive throughout the process. His service is human and professional. I highly recommend it.
Stephen on Google

Me and my girlfriend were able to secure a mortgage for our first home thanks to Sophie. Merci!
Stacy Mc on Google

Amazing service! Francesca is so knowledgeable and very helpful. Can't imagine going through this process without her experience.
Michael Boris on Google

A friend of mine dealt with one of their agents. The guy was purchasing his first house in July 2017 - all the agents of course knew that the interest rate was supposed to go up soon. But she (the agent) recommended and insisted on a flexible rate (which was fairly low at that time, two point something) - of course, just to make a higher commission. The result ? The guy didn't even manage to pay 1-2 months at that rate, when it started going up. He is now paying almost double for his first 4 year term. Yes, it was partially his fault as well. But that's why we deal with mortgage specialists, who claim they "work with 30 banks for the benefit of the client" - yeah right. God sees it all.

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