L'Église Orthodoxe Roumaine Saint Nicolas Montreal

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Contact L'Église Orthodoxe Roumaine Saint Nicolas Montreal

Address :

1690 Av de l'Église, Montreal, Quebec H4E 1G5, Canada

Phone : 📞 +97789
Website : http://www.sfantulnicolae.ca/
Categories :
City : E

1690 Av de l'Église, Montreal, Quebec H4E 1G5, Canada
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English text will follow. Le texte en français suivra. Frumoasă biserică construită înainte de 1900. Utilizată din ce în ce mai puțin de credincioșii catolici din zonă, biserica catolică St-Paul a devenit de câțiva ani locul de întâlnire săptămânală a românilor ortodocși. Slujbele de duminică încep in jurul orei 9:30 dimineața si durează până pe la 12:30, dacă nu sunt urmate de o masa comunitară organizată cu diverse ocazii (de ex. Sf. Maria, etc). In afara duminicilor se mai fac slujbe si vecernii in cursul săptămânii, in zilele premergătoare unei sărbători mai importante, slujbe de seară care sunt anunțate de preot la slujba duminicală anterioară si pe internet la pagina bisericii: sfantulnicolae.ca . Deasemenea unele slujbe sunt transmise live pe internet pentru cei care nu pot fi prezenți din diferite motive. Beautiful church built before 1900. Less and less used by Catholic believers in the area, the Catholic church of St. Paul has become few years ago the weekly meeting place of Orthodox romanians. Sunday services start around 9:30 in the morning and last until 12:30, unless they are followed by a community meal organized on various occasions (eg St. Mary's, etc.). In addition to Sundays, there are also services during the week, in the days before a more important holiday, evening services that are announced by the priest at the previous Sunday service and on the Internet on the church page: sfantulnicolae.ca. Also, some services are broadcasted live on the Internet for those who cannot be presents for various reasons. Belle église construite avant 1900. De moins en moins fréquentée par les croyants catholiques de la région, l'église catholique Saint-Paul est devenue depuis plusieurs années le lieu de rendez-vous hebdomadaire des Roumains orthodoxes. Les offices dominicaux commencent vers 9h30 le matin et durent jusqu'à 12h30, à moins qu'ils ne soient suivis d'un repas communautaire organisé à diverses occasions (ex. Sainte-Marie, etc.). En plus des dimanches, il y a aussi des offices en semaine, les jours précédant un jour férié plus important, des offices du soir qui sont annoncés par le prêtre lors du service dominical précédent et sur Internet sur la page de l'église : sfantulnicolae.ca. Aussi, certains services sont diffusés en direct sur Internet pour ceux qui ne peuvent être présents pour diverses raisons.
English text will follow. The French text will follow. Beautiful church built before 1900. Less and less used by Catholic believers in the area, St-Paul Catholic Church has become for several years the weekly meeting place of Orthodox Romanians. Sunday services start around 9:30 in the morning and last until 12:30, unless they are followed by a community meal organized on various occasions (eg St. Mary's, etc.). In addition to Sundays, there are also services during the week, in the days before a more important holiday, evening services that are announced by the priest at the previous Sunday service and on the Internet on the church page: sfantulnicolae.ca. Also, some services are broadcast live on the Internet for those who cannot be present for various reasons. Beautiful church built before 1900. Less and less used by Catholic believers in the area, the Catholic church of St. Paul has become a few years ago the weekly meeting place of Orthodox romanians. Sunday services start around 9:30 in the morning and last until 12:30, unless they are followed by a community meal organized on various occasions (eg St. Mary's, etc.). In addition to Sundays, there are also services during the week, in the days before a more important holiday, evening services that are announced by the priest at the previous Sunday service and on the Internet on the church page: sfantulnicolae.ca. Also, some services are broadcasted live on the Internet for those who cannot be present for various reasons. Beautiful church built before 1900. Less and less frequented by Catholic believers in the area, St. Paul's Catholic Church has for several years become the weekly meeting place of Orthodox Romanians. Sunday services begin around 9:30 a.m. and last until 12:30 p.m., unless they are followed by a community meal on various occasions (e.g., St. Mary's, etc.). In addition to Sundays, there are also services on weekdays, the days before a major holiday, evening services that are announced by the priest during the previous Sunday service and on the Internet on the church page: sfantulnicolae. that. Also, some services are broadcast live on the Internet for those who cannot be present for various reasons.
Mahmut Nanus on Google

AH Wa on Google


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