Kelly Button Pilates - Saskatoon

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About Kelly Button Pilates

There are several factors involved in having the pregnancy & birth that we desire.  Some our within our control and others are not.  When it comes to the movement side of things and preparing our bodies to endure labour, to have the strength & alignment to labour in any position we would like, and helping with the postpartum recovery Pilates is an instrumental tool.  Pregnancy and birth are an amazing ‘natural’ journey.  But, just b/c something is natural to us doesn’t mean we are prepared for it.  Especially in our modern day and age when we are moving less everyday.  If you are like most of our population you might be stuck at a desk while at work. Then you add the time you spend driving to and from work, or to get errands, and the time spent sitting to eat, and watching tv.  You might sneak in a workout in between at some point in the day but in the grand scheme of things you maybe moved for one hour throughout a 12 hour day.  There is a recent movement for standing desks and more movement while at work which is great!  However, if you are still spending the majority of your time in the same position (standing or sitting) you are still not getting much movement.  So, when I was pregnant I set out to determine how a sedentary lifestyle could affect our labour and delivery and how Pilates could help.   I wanted to know the following:

  1. What creates a diastasis (abdominal split) and can it be prevented or at least minimized?

  2. What are the best birthing positions for the baby during labour & can a sedentary body get into these positions and hold them for the length of a contraction?

  3. If they can get into the position, are they in the correct alignment?  The squat is a common position because when done properly it opens the birth canal….but when done incorrectly it can actually narrow the birth canal.  So if someone can squat are they doing it with the right alignment for birth?

  4. How does the state of the pelvic floor affect labour, delivery, and recovery.  

I learned the following:

  • A diastasis is effected by our alignment.  The proper alignment of our ribs can help correct and/or minimize the abdominal split that pregnancy can create.  There are other factors as well including the strength of our inner core and state of our fascial system.  My inner core was strong from years of Pilates so I focused on my tendency to thrust my ribs and how to correct it.

  • There are several positions a woman can labour and give birth in.  All of them require that the body is flexible enough to get into those positions and strong enough to maintain them.   See my point above regarding proper alignment in the position.  There are also certain postures that can help the baby get into the right position for birth.  I was advised by my amazing doula to spend less time slumped into our cozy recliner and more time floor sitting (which when pregnant and tired isn’t something I wanted to do, but it did pay off).   

  • The pelvic floor plays a huge role in birth.  A pelvic floor with too much tension can make it difficult to release and allow the baby to move down and out.  It can also contribute to tearing (however there are other factors here as well such as the speed of delivery).  A pelvic floor that is not strong enough may have trouble pushing the baby out and that weakness can carry forward to other issues postpartum  A pelvic floor physiotherapist is a great way to help understand the current state of your pelvic floor before and after birth.   In Pilates we also have a huge emphasis on understanding your pelvic floor and how to release and strengthen it but I find it important to first understand what your body needs so I highly recommend a visit to a pf physiotherapist.  

So how can Pilates help the modern woman through pregnancy, birth, and recovery?  

  • First it will give you a much greater understanding of your own alignment.  That understanding can help change and correct your posture as your body changes.  

  • It can help alleviate some of those common pregnancy pains such as SI issues, sore hips, lower back pain, etc.  It will help you learn how to properly drop your ribs into the correct alignment and build a healthy fascial system to ensure your posture and pressure systems are working for you rather than against you.   

  • Pilates has a strong focus on the inner core and pelvic floor.  It can help with the strength required to carry your baby (I went to 41 weeks) and the stamina to make it through labour and delivery.  

  • And it will help with your overall flexibility to get into the birthing position that is the most comfortable to you. 

I remember someone asking me how I planned to labour and give birth.  The truth is I really didn’t know what I would want to do but once labour kicked in there were positions that felt far better to be in and positions I needed to be in to help get rid of my back labour (help baby turn).  I am thankful that I had the ability to do what my body required.  

Pilates can play a large role in recovery (referred to some as the 4th trimester).  After a doctors clearance is given to resume movement the Pilates fundamentals are a great place to start.  Your body has to change yet again to a version of its former self.  Pilates is a great way to start slowly and build back the strength and alignment correctly.  It can help combat the postural effects of breastfeeding/bottle feeding, baby carrying, co-sleeping, and exhaustion.

There are always other factors that play into all of this.  If you have already given birth you know that you can make a plan but you cannot control how your labour and delivery will go.  I am thankful for all of the tools Pilates gave me and can say I truly had a positive birth experience.  Whatever your experience has been or will be Pilates is an investment into your own body and how amazing it can be.  And your body is the best investment you can make as this is the vessel that will carry you through life.  The one that will birth, hold, and care for your children.  

Yours in movement,


Contact Kelly Button Pilates

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626 Broadway Ave #202, Saskatoon, SK S7N 1A9, Canada

Phone : 📞 +787
Postal code : 7
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626 Broadway Ave #202, Saskatoon, SK S7N 1A9, Canada
Kim Deschamps on Google

I absolutely love the attention to detail, the individual and specific focus to my body's needs from a truly holistic approach with Kelly! I highly recommend both Private and Semi-Private Pilates Sessions with Kelly Button Pilates!
Kathleen Kulyk on Google

I have known Kelly as a Pilates instructor for a couple of years and was incredibly pleased to see her open her own business and provide private and semi-private sessions. Her knowledge and expertise in Pilates and movement is exceptional and I always leave her sessions feeling like my body was challenged. She offers the options of different equipment and apparatus and I was able to tailor my private session to meet my goals. I highly recommend her services to anyone new to movement or looking to challenge your body in a new way.
Lynn Wytrykusz on Google

Kelly is an amazing teacher. I was suffering from a lot of pain in my lower back and hips when I started my lessons, and really feeling like “this was the way I was always going to be.” Nothing seemed to give me relief. Kelly was so patient with me and really helped to make me understand where the tension in my body was coming from and how to release it. The coolest part was doing the lesson from my own living room 6 hours away! I love having her expertise to guide me even though she is in a different community. After only a few lessons I am moving more and moving better than I was before. I am pain free and can’t wait to see where the lessons take me next! If you are thinking about Pilates training, try a lesson from your living room! There is no safer space than that! I highly recommend Kelly as an instructor. Definitely give her expertise a try. She helped me to understand that moving better, means moving longer and there is no better gift you can give yourself than a lifetime of movement!
Kristina Frost on Google

I've been working with Kelly 2.5 years and the work we do together has been life changing! Highly recommend working with her.

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