École Secondaire Catholique Sainte-Trinité

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Contact École Secondaire Catholique Sainte-Trinité

Address :

2600 Grand Oak Trail, Oakville, ON L6M 0R4, Canada

Phone : 📞 +998
Website : https://esst.cscmonavenir.ca/
Categories :
City : M

2600 Grand Oak Trail, Oakville, ON L6M 0R4, Canada
Dank Dog on Google

Where do I even start. 1) They care more about you being in proper uniform, rather than your health. For example, I have severe eczema and I can get hives easily so I use a specific detergeant when I do my laundry, therefore I can't just wear anyone's clothes. But, when I was in grade 8 and I fell in mud so I wore my hoodie and my gym shorts because my uniform was disgusting (gym shorts are apart of the uniform so I don't even know why I got dress coded for that), and I tried explaining to the office that I would appreciate it if they didn't make me wear a random person's uniform from the lost-and-found because of my skin problems, they basically didn't care and they let me know that I had to choose between them calling my parents to come bring me another uniform from home, or I take clothes from the lost-and-found. My parents were at work so I had to go with the other option. My skin was irritated when I got home and my parents were very upset. 2) The school is very unorganized. In grade 7, I was missing half of my teachers for the first 2-3 months of school. They give us our exam schedules pretty late, which is not convenient for us students who have extracurricular activities, work, medical appointments, etc. They give us our class schedules on the first day of school, again, it is not convenient; some people's busses can be late and it's very nerve-racking to have to find your class and walk in when everyone else is already settled. 3) Some teachers are starting to ban people from going to the bathroom, which is RIDICULOUS. It's basic human knowledge that everyone has a bladder, therefore it makes sense if someone needs to go to the bathroom at least once or twice a day during school/classes. And it's also pretty embarassing when you're there for maybe 5-10 minutes and they ask you why it took so long. I would understand if it were 15-20 minutes, but some people might have diarrhea or maybe even feel nauseous, and in that case I don't think the student wants to have to explain themselves in front of the whole class. It's embarassing. 4) There are different ways to encourage students to speak in french, rather than punishing them for speaking in english. This may seem like some great strategy to most parents, teachers, etc. but it can get really annoying and sometimes even be discouraging. Maybe the staff should focus more on spreading positivity on the french language, rather than spreading negativity on the english language. We did an activity two months ago about language insecurities, and the staff from FESFO 100% agreed with this concept when we addressed it. 5) It's the second year in a row where they don't do much for the girl's junior/senior soccer teams compared to what they do for the guys' soccer team. Last year they only had one tournament, this year we didn't even have a team, despite ALL of the sign-ups with approximately 30 sign-ups. The guys' team on the other hand, had so much play time that they made it to OFSAA. I have to admit, it was pretty disappointing.
Teehee Clan on Google

The school is ok, teacher are pretty good. One thing thats pissing me off is they told us were getting a second floor, that was 5 years ago. The teachers give us detention for no reason. The food in the cafe is ok.
John Scott on Google

In general the school is rather good, but numerous students do drugs, and bullying is somewhat an issue. However the biggest issue with this school is that most of the staff especially the principal and vice-principals don't know how to manage their teachers correctly. Proof is that some teachers do favoritism and while some teachers would give you an A on a test, other teachers would give you a B on the same test, all because teachers have non universal standards. Now I don't know if it is the school's job or it's school board to enforce this standard among all teachers, but nobody seems to care even though it has a huge impact on student's averages. Also, teachers have the audacity to tell us not to talk during the announcements because it's the rule even though there is a rule for teachers that state that all students should be treated equally regardless of age, gender or ethnicity, yet for some reason they have the right to be above the rules just because they are teachers and we are not.
ok ok on Google

Absolutely terrible. All the students are miserable. Many of the teachers are rude and unprofessional. Most have little to NO empathy for the students throughout the pandemic. I will not say the name of the teacher, but I spoke to one of my teachers during the second quadmester about how the students are stressed out and we're trying to balance school, work, a GLOBAL PANDEMIC, and many more, all at once. She basically told me that we should ''be able to handle it''. Not to mention, you can tell that some teachers are only there to get paid. They don't teach to educate the adults of tomorrow. Which is probably why they treat us so poorly. The rules make no sense, a few years ago THEY BANNED LEGGINGS DURING CIVIES DAYS. We're not allowed to wear our coats in class if we're cold, because they would rather have us be cold than to not be in proper uniform :) That just goes to show that they do not care about our overall health, which is pretty reassuring, right! There's just so much wrong with this school and I'm tired of having to complain about it, with no action being done whatsoever. Whenever we make suggestions they treat us like our opinions don't mean anything, when really it could potentially help them keep their students. But whatever. I'm out of here soon.
dorothy cartright on Google

My family was very excited to register at this school. However, as time passed, the true identity behind the curtain began to show its true face. There are a few very good teachers here, however, the school principal, the VP and some teachers ruin the good points the school has. I asked the Superintendent, "why is it that the best students of Ste Trinite leave the school before their final year to attend another local secondary school?" Why? I will tell you why: the students who deserve to receive the final marks higher than 90% for university know that they can & will receive them elsewhere, at another secondary school. At Ste Trinite the students will work very hard but marks are not given. Estimate that the same student will receive 7-9% higher at a nearby school for the same course . The Principal, Mme Caron is a very sour person who intimidates her office staff, teachers, and students with her presence. Parents are ignored. A parent has to call approximately 6 times before they are taken seriously for an issue. There were many concerning and disturbing issues at the school, but the latest was that our daughter;s report card was inputted 9%-10% below twice in a row than what all her tests & projects reported she should receive. The teacher supported my daughter, but the office staff and principal made my daughter go in circles, not taking any accountability. After many attempts to contact the principal, finally she met my husband & myself when we wouldn`t leave the school office. (yes that is how seriously aggressive you must be for what you believe in otherwise you will be ignored as a parent) Stand up for what you believe in, and do not take any bullying & harassing. My daughter was bullied and harassed, in front of others twice from teacher Mme Honorez. It was complained to the VP and Principal Caron, yet they do nothing because they all spend weekends together at each others`homes. They stand in unison as an immature pretentious girls` club---it must be broken down. Mme Honorez is currently being taken before the board at OCT (Ontario College of Teachers) about bullying and harassment. Mme Honorez is not allowed to teach classes because of complaints. The school does not deserve to have my daughter as a student. We have moved on and are happy with 99-100% marks now.
yuh on Google

literally horrible. some teachers won’t let you go to the bathroom and the caf food is so expensive. things like 2$ for the patty, 1$ for the top bun, 1$ for the bottom bun, etc. most of the teachers don’t actually know how to teach. you’re lucky if u get Mr. Iafrate for english. best teacher in the school.
Mimi Paquette on Google

Worst school. The teachers disrespect and treat students like babies... They force you to go outside in horrible weather unless its raining. The N word was used in my grade 8 English class because it was in a book but that doesn't make it okay to say say it... Teachers there have humiliated me and made me feel so worthless because I had a harder time learning. This school has really ruied my mental health..I felt so unsupported and alone.. If you want students to respect you start treating them better.
I d k J on Google

its not the best. Teachers put too much pressure on you and treat u like ur 20 when your 12-17. They make you feel bad about yourself and that you are a disgrace if you get something wrong which is totally not true. I asked one of the teachers to go to the washroom because of something private and they made me wait for 2 hours. And not to mention the food is really bad, the teachers have NO RESPECT TOWARDS THE STUDENTS. And the principal is quite rude.

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