École Intermédiaire Lansdowne Middle School

2.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact École Intermédiaire Lansdowne Middle School

Address :

1765 Lansdowne Rd, Victoria, BC V8P 1A7, Canada

Phone : 📞 +98
Website : https://lansdowne.sd61.bc.ca/
Categories :
City : P

1765 Lansdowne Rd, Victoria, BC V8P 1A7, Canada
Tom Celuszak on Google

My two children attended Lansdowne Middle School in the late start French immersion program. Good outcomes. Continued with French immersion at Oak Bay High. Great band program at LMS.
Luski on Google

I have went to the school and had decent memories. Some teachers I liked and were very nice but students, not much you can do about them. hit puberty first lol
Lin Huang on Google

Social justice warrior and internet bully Jessie Bundon works here. He goes around trashing local comedy clubs that book CK Louis and doesn't realize that for every one idiot like him, there are 5 of us. So thanks Mr. Benton! The Comedy Cellar now has 1,528 reviews and a 4.6 star rating! That club is going to be packed for months to come!!!
Tai Caverhill on Google

the school is okay. the school activities are ok. There is a lot of graffiti and damaged property around the school. Most of the teachers and staff are good expect for some which I wont include their names but most people should know them. ONE thing lawnsdowne needs to fix is their water fountains. I mean there is only one fountain which can fill up water bottles and my teacher complains that we take to long at the fountains but its because there is usually a huge line up for people wanting to use it. And the school is close to mall so....
Violet Wheeler on Google

Its okay. I like the music program but some of the teachers are just mean,I'm not saying names but if u have had her u would know that this teachers mean also the bathrooms need to be fixed lots of them don't even lock! The fitness is terrible u have to do fitness in the snow and rain!!! it sucks also u should have a choice to go outside I dont want to be standing outside when it's like -0 degrees. There should be a rule where u can have a phone in class it's ur education if u want to ruin it it's your choice.?overall good school.
r e b e k a h on Google

I'm going into grade 7, and I don't recommend going here. Most of the students are stuck up and the principle doesn't interact with the clubs or students at all. I feel that the vice principle should be the main principle because he interacts with the students and knows most of the kids by name. I will give it to them though, The clubs and band groups are very well organized. And its nice because its by a mall.
H a c k e r 1001 on Google

I had maybe, 3 good teachers my 3 years there. One of the toc ‘s hit my mums car, was horrible to my friend. And she would follow me into the bathroom at lunch to make sure I wouldn’t stay inside.she also yelled at me when I had to stop in the teachers parking while on crutches. Kids weren’t allowed inside unless they were in the library. I wasn’t directly bullied but I was hiding in the bathroom stalls at lunch. The teachers knew but didn’t do anything about it. Would not recommend sending your kid to school here.
Bally Bamm on Google

Ok this is gonna ba a long one:) during 6 th grade school was the best! The sun would always shine down at the world, and there was a pure joy of bieng here, sometimes it’s the people you hang up with what changes everything. I loved hanging out with friends after school! But all I can say is that during grade six for me, felt like something I had never felt before, truly something special. During this era fashion began bieng a big part of this world too. Starting grade 7, I felt strangely alone, stressed and even tho I remember the sky bieng blue and the sun out on the first day back. I definitely felt different. beginning of grade 7 was rough. For the whole first term I struggled with my work. During these times shoes were a big thing, and personally I think that’s changed the way we are in a bad way, not saying that liking shoes and fashion is bad, but all I’m saying is that it’s not the way you act and the way go on with the world, but what really lies inside you that really maters. The way you are. Everyone is perfect, from the day they were brought to this world. And I feel like I avoided these things and followed what the world wanted me to follow. During this time I felt like if the sun had gone away and left us with sad rain. Not saying that the rain is bad, I like it when it rains just that the joy was gone. Like if my soul had just dropped and turned grey. Everything was stressful. Many things happened after that but all I can say now is that this school is a good school over all. It brought many may I say beautiful memories. But most importantly at times we judge the school saying things like “ the kids are mean, wierd, or you just don’t like it. And sometimes we need to take a step back and look at our self and how our aditude is. Go to school with the exitment and joy of learning something new, of playing games with your friends, talking with your friends about how you hate math class but do it in a positive aditute. When you feel your friends are doing something wrong, tell them ina respectfull way and don’t do it. Always make sure to surround yourself with the right people, that’s are , nice, supportive and most of all that cares about you and values you.

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