Arbutus Global Middle School

2.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Arbutus Global Middle School

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2306 Edgelow St, Victoria, BC V8N 1R5, Canada

Phone : 📞 +77878
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2306 Edgelow St, Victoria, BC V8N 1R5, Canada
Anq on Google

the kids are definitely an interesting bunch but the school is pretty well
Maddie Mcrae on Google

I want to go to arbutes but I don't know about french my friend wants to and I want to but my mom thinks it is a bad idea and I will regret it but it is only one year and I I don't like it I can quit so I am going to tell my mom that I want to once I see the website...GO ARBUTES
Alex Kee on Google

There could be more fungis around the school, i enjoyed going to the forest to clean up weed.
Nintendo.Droup on Google

Its Ok. Im At That School Right Now In Grade 6 But I Heard Some Girl In My Class Got Hit By A Car And Shes In A Coma Her Name Is Layla Bui And My Friend Vance Is Lit I Miss U Vance And Im Sad About Layla Bui Shes A Great Student So The Car She Got Hit By Was An SUV Be Safe Out There Guys Dont Want It To Happen To U!
Yahya Odatallah on Google

8th grade sucks. i'm in the french program, but i started in late immersion. i wasn't prepared at all for early immersion (homework-wise). 6th and 7th grade was little to no homework. 8th grade is awful. teachers are strict and old school. they go exactly by the curriculum, starting at the beginning of the textbook and then just reading through the entire thing. social studies is mostly just history class. science class is boring, and we just read the textbook. the entire time i was in middle school, i was waiting until the 8th grade, where we got to do a project on a disease that we chose. when i reached the 8th grade, however, we had to summarize the entire immune system. no disease project, nothing. english is just a giant project due at the end of the term. math was just boring. teachers just monotone for 6 hours. in french, we learn WAY too much grammar and tenses, e.t.c. they started a "passion project" lately. i expected it to be like an exploratory related to whatever we chose as our passion, or at least a hands-on activity. it turned out to be a research project. i chose acting. HOW ON EARTH DO YOU DO A RESEARCH PROJECT ON ACTING! we have to make a power point about some aspect of acting. this may work for some other topics, BUT NOT ACTING! OR SINGING, OR DANCING, OR SPORTS! it wasn't even planned well! the school just saw something about top ten things that schools do that make them awesome, or something like that, and decided to make us do a passion project! there are way too much stupid rules, and i am not enjoying my experience here so far! p.s., our water is contaminated with lead. we have to run the water for THIRTY SECONDS before we can even take a drink!
Sebastian Dunn-Krahn (butteredporkbun) on Google

Ok, most of these reviews are just kids having temper tantrums on their keys. I know most kids don't like school, especially in the middle school age range, but I did before I came here. The main problem is that they talk about how great they are more than they actually do great stuff. I would appreciate more aimed and direct assemblies that talk about actual problems in an interactive way. I also hope there is more challenge for kids that are ahead, (i.e. the gifted program more than once a week, extra work in the classroom, etc.) I also think they need to address and explain LGBTQ+ more. This last year they attempted to do so with a GSA club. Great idea, and they did some great stuff, but it's still not enough. Lastly of the more important things I consider to be a problem, the first nations involvement. At the beginning of each assembly they sung a song, which I though was really cool, except that I had no idea what it meant. In my opinion, it's more important to incorporate first nations values, history and stories than most other studies, simply because it's the history of where we live. I understand that they are trying, but it's again not enough. Please understand that I am just trying to communicate my ideas, and if this review is in any way rude or offends anyone, let me know and I will take it down.
pan keyk (Pankeyk) on Google

Most of the teachers here are very nice. My favourite part about this school is the exploratories. Basically, they're fun classes where you can do music, cooking, art, etc. I really like all of them, they're a nice break from the work we have to do. I especially like the 2 music teachers we have. They are very passionate about their jobs and they make sure their students play music the best they can. Most of the reviews about this place are very negative, and I don't know why. My teacher, and all the exploratory teachers are very nice.
Juiliana Baker on Google

This is not a bad middle school to attend in my opinion. Most of the teachers a very nice, unlike the ones I've had before. The things we learn are up to date to our curriculum and are also really interesting. But the only thing that I think the school needs to work on a little more is the amount of bullying that goes on in this school. I've seen it happen to a lot of students and I've also experienced it. The only problem here is they don't take it too seriously they'll talk to the person and that's basically it. I think more action needs to be taken. I know the school could not choose the type of students that would come into the school and I also know they are trying to keep this school a friendly and safe environment and I'll just like to say they are doing a good job. Bye~

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