Centre for Academic and Personal Excellence - Medicine Hat

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

About Centre for Academic and Personal Excellence

CAPE School is focused on achieving academic excellence. This is achieved through the personalized integrated program. This program is supported through community partnerships, partnerships with parents, collaboration with external services, and a counselling approach to discipline.

CAPE School is focused on achieving personal excellence. This is delivered through classroom meetings, projects that link our school and community, and a collaborative discipline plan.

Contact Centre for Academic and Personal Excellence

Address :

201 5 St SW, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 4G7, Canada

Phone : 📞 +898
Postal code : 1
Website : https://capeisgreat.org/
Categories :
City : A

201 5 St SW, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 4G7, Canada
deleted user on Google

I’ve had like five friends who’ve gone here and they all hate it so much. You have to wear these disgusting uniforms which don’t give children freedom to express themselves and the teachers are rude from what I’ve heard. I have a best friend, brand new to the school from September for grade Seven, he went to my elementary school last’s year and I honestly miss him. To be fair, every school Medicine Hat is pretty awful. At Alexandra you can get your parents called for sneezing but other then that it’s pretty chill. This school is just disgusting to me and I feel bad for anyone who has to go there.
John Lockwood on Google

(CONT.)....5) to CAPE in a grade that features A and B program, they may not even do testing on you, you may automatically go into the B program. On top of this total idiocy of a program, the classes are even merged! Grade 6/7/8A are merged, and you will not believe this one. There is a classroom merged with Grade 7B, 8B, 9B, and 9A!! What kind of bs is this, why are the 9Bs doing grade 8 curriculum, why are there 4 grades in one classroom, and why can't it just be normal classes? The superintendent can argue that the school was meant for kids with special learning abilities, and merging classes and teaching them different curriculums is beneficial. however it is clearly not working, as mostly every 9B who is learning special curriculum is failing. 6) Now, let's start a new, disgusting topic. This is about the overall cleanliness, and the ideal bathroom. The washrooms in this school are pure filthy. The urnals do not flush sometimes, the toilets overflow, and human feces can be seen on the floor. Once, the soap ran out and a kid asked the office for more soap. What did they reply? They said that the boys had lost the PRIVELGE for soap! Boys have lost the privelege to clean themselves before they eat food and touch other people! I'm not surprised a lot of kids are sick at this school, with the terrible living conditions. 7) The office acts nice around adults, but with kids they are some of the rudest people in the school. I am mainly talking about the front desk. Once, I came to the office to get more tissue boxes for my class. The desk lady stared at me and said with a blank soul, "sure... go ahead...". I pick up 3 boxes, since my class has 4 grades in it, and she says to me, "only two, [name], oooonnnly two." I say something like "oh sorry" and she just says "alright". She had the blankest face ever! ? 8) The school is extremely cheap. They run out of tissue boxes on a regular basis, they don't have enough paper-towels, and the basketball team is worse. The jerseys for the team were so cheap at first, CAPE had to find red gym pinnies, and tape numbers on them! Finally, they acquired proper jerseys, but practices still take place in an old, rusty, brick wall gym court with no actual basketball coach teaching us. The school's gym teacher teaches basketball after school, and you can tell he only did it for the money as he has no idea what he is even talking about. He can't shoot a basketball, he is only frankly good at leading stretches. He needs the kids to call out fouls and violations in game, since he has no idea what to do. It shows how unorganized this school is and how they just hire anybody to be a basketball teacher because they're too broke to hire a real one. 9) Lastly, the uniforms. The uniform act was made in the 90s, where parents in the Council voted for uniforms. To this day, uniforms are still being mandatorily worn, even though there should be a new meeting to discuss this. Before that meeting in the 90s, uniforms were not present. Now, we should have another meeting in 2018 and see the parent's opinions, since uniforms have been running for more than a decade now. But no, they refuse to actually hold another meeting to see the parents' valuable opinions.
Amanda Price on Google

Our kids have been at cape since kindergarten. They have loved every teacher they have had over the last 6 years. Great staff. They excel academically. Looking forward to moving into the new cape school come next year!!
Cynthia Miller on Google

We are truly happy with this school. My daughters academic special needs are being met and she is doing fantastic. Caring teachers and staff. Small community feel. I will be happy to continue bringing both of my children up in this school.
Thaila Holbrook on Google

As a former member of cape I can tell u that they do nothing about bulling. I was bullies for 3 years by the same person and nothing happened about it. The gym is so small, and everything is dirty. Nearly every gym class I had to go was my eye out because I got dust in it. And the teachers were mean. My gym class was made up off 4/5/6s so it got so cramped. From what I heard the basketball coach has no clue of what to do in 2018. Bet everyone misses last years coach. This year they had to duct tape numbers onto the jerseys, scroll down in these reviews and you will see a picture of it. It is recommend not to send your kid here.
CipherWolfie OwO on Google

I’m enrolled at cape right now and it’s the best school I’ve ever been to! All my siblings go their and I’ve met the majority of my best friends ever their! The teachers are SUPER nice! I don’t believe all the bad things said about it.
Y2k Girle on Google

I currently go to cape and it’s horrible. I was dress coded for my skirt being “ to short” even though I had knee high socks on and the skirt literally went to my shins. This one person who signs their name “gossip girl” keeps on writing horrible stuff on the bathroom floor and the school does NOTHING ABOUT IT Ok so I used to wear the hijab and my “friend” used to pull it down and laugh at me, so like last year this happened right in front of the teachers desk and SHE DID NOTHING she didn’t give her a yellow slip LITERALLY NOTHING. don’t send your child especially if they have disability,poc,or if they are religious
Michael Anderson on Google

One of the, if not, the worst school that I have ever sent my son to. The building looks like an old church. The gym is around 13 meters by 7 meters; its walls are bricks with forgotten rusty nails in them. My son fell into the unpadded brick wall head first and suffered from a concussion. This gym looks that it hasn't been renovated since the 1990’s. The basketball rims are broken and put upside down. Im only mentioning this to share the lack of professionalism and organization this school has. Cape school is the only school in Medicine Hat with a uniform policy. I heard the principle demand for the OLD UNIFORMS from the former students. She then attempted to sell them to the new students through Facebook (check the posts, seriously). Not only is she a COMPLETE CHEAPSKATE, but she is completely biased as well. My son got punched by her nephew in the face and wasn't punished at all. Instead my son got criticized for “Angering the student, who he should have known better because he is very emotional". The school struggles with disciplining the pupils. The education is poor. The classes are split into two, the A class and the B class. The A class consisted of students from grades 6,7, 8 and 9 while the B class consists of 8 and 9s. The B class takes THE GRADE 7 curriculum while the A class takes the grade 9 curriculum.When I was asked why that is so, I was told “Its just based of IQ and learning abilities and your son does not meet those standards; therefore he could not be in the A class”. My son was not even offered an IQ test when he first went to the school. Obviously her nephew and her son are in the A class even though I heard from a lot of pupils that they were not “the brightest people” in the world. Oh and did I mention that the principle and the superintendent taught the grade 9 class last year? The vice-principal is teaching the grade nines this year. Doesn’t it seem that nobody wants to work there? The school is obviously low on budget. For example, they have a team with no jerseys (they used pennies and scotch taped numbers on the back). On top of that, the only field trips they go to are to loins park and the esplanade (they had to walk cause they couldn't afford buses). The lack of organization and planning this school has amazes me. It blows my mind that a school with poor education, lack of organization, rude behaviour, bullying, and complete bias is still running. What fascinates me more is that parents are ACTUALLY sending their children there and paying extra fees for it. My son suffered from a few mental problems when he was sent to it. After he left, his illness started getting better. My question to the parents that are sending their child to ‘Centre of Academic and Personal Excellence’ is “What are you doing to your kids childhood? Do you want him/her to become an unsuccessful, uneducated human with lack of manners?” You are being robbed of your money. I would go to as far as saying that CAPE school is the equivalent of residential schools but in the 21 century.

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