Canadian International Education Service Centre - Winnipeg

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

加拿大国际教育服务中心 张学勇移民 | 官方网站 -

【加拿大国际教育服务中心(张学勇移民公司) 是加拿大曼省移民行业老牌最大的华人移民公司,开创了曼省留学移民 项目课程独家班,办理加拿大旅游签转学签, 领军行业曼省和萨省投资移民项目,代理多个曼省SUV移民项目机构招募,实力操作RNIP和省提名雇主移民项目。

About Canadian International Education Service Centre

加拿大国际教育服务中心Canadian International Education Service Center一般是指【张学勇移民公司】

【加拿大国际教育服务中心】(张学勇移民公司), 注册成立于2001年,总部设立在加拿大曼尼托巴省省会温尼伯市(Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada),主要从事加拿大留学和移民业务。

公司名称:加拿大国际教育服务中心 外文名:Canadian International Education Service Center 成立时间:2001年 总部地点:加拿大曼尼托巴省省会温尼伯市 公司宗旨:诚信 求实 专业 高效,竭诚服务每一位客户



曼省投资移民项目: 亦称曼省企业家移民项目,全球招募企业主和高管来曼省投资创业,并给予移民身份。


联邦SUV创业移民项目: 从全球招募高新科技项目和人才,来加拿大投资创业,并给予移民身份。 公司主做曼省SUV孵化器和风投机构的移民项目,招募项目多,案例批量大,成本低。

联邦RNIP城镇移民项目:是指加拿大联邦移民部指定的中西部五个省份十一个城镇的雇主担保移民项目。 公司雇主资源主要集中在安省、曼省和萨省。




总裁: 张学勇

张学勇先生,于1994年移居加拿大曼省(曼尼托巴省)温尼伯市,在曼尼托巴大学获得地理学硕士学位;后在曼省政府石油地质矿产资源厅矿产处工作20年。 张学勇先生,是加拿大2004年首批和曼省首位华人执照移民顾问,多年来长期从事加拿大留学和移民,促进中加文化交流活动。 张学勇先生现任加拿大执照移民顾问俱乐部常任理事,会员包括加拿大全国华人执照移民顾问大约250人,涵盖全加各个区域种类的移民项目。 张学勇先生是加拿大曼尼托巴大学Asper商学院首位华人Associate。 张学勇先生多年来多次受邀参加加拿大和中国留学和移民行业峰会, 并作为嘉宾讲话。


诚信、求实、专业、高效 竭诚服务每一位客户


加拿大国际教育服务中心 加拿大 曼尼托巴省温尼伯市总部 Unit 102, 1483 Pembina Hwy, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2C6 加拿大 温哥华市代表处 Unit 311, 4885 Kingsway,Burnaby,British Columbia, Canada V5H 4T6 加拿大 多伦多市代表处 Unit 310, 100 Tempo Ave, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2H 2N8 中国代表处 北京代表处 北京市海淀区天创科技大厦1107D室 天津代表处 天津市河西区富力中心4304室 上海代表处 上海市静安区常德路319号1802室 成都代表处 成都市青羊区四威北路96号三楼 昆明代表处 昆明市北京路白云路口金色年华B栋19楼1903-05 海口代表处 海南省海口市龙华区国贸北路18号楼德派斯大厦C座602室

Contact Canadian International Education Service Centre

Address :

1483 Pembina Hwy #102, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2C6, Canada

Phone : 📞 +888
Postal code : 3
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1483 Pembina Hwy #102, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2C6, Canada
Tiffany Yang on Google

Finally got me and my husband the Canadian citizenship from this Company. Thank you the lovely agent Tianjiao’ s help for so many years! <3
Jo Kevin on Google

If you are looking for the best immigration service in Canada, it’s the best place to choose!! Wonderful staff with unquestionable service, always be patient to answer the question!!! Love it!!!
陈子昂 on Google

Stuffs are friendly, service is excellent. I trust this immigration company and I would like to recommend this company to my friend who needs immigration services.
Vw Vw on Google

They are very friendly and professional. If you want to get your permanent residency status smoothly and fast, I 100% recommend this company!
Amanda Zhao on Google

I got my PR card successfully through this immigration company. It’s a good company and stuffs are nice and friendly. Thanks them so much!!
Orange Donald on Google

I cannot believe this company is still alive till now. They just receive my money and did nothing for my application but they receive a pretty high price. Their price is very unreasonable. Totally waste my time. Anyone who would like to immigrate can apply by yourself. Do not trust these guys. They do not care about your case at all!!!
Luxi Wang on Google

Perfect customer service! From staff to CEO they gave us lots of supports and professional advice. Every important step they always prepared in advance to save time. I will definitely recommend CIESC to my friends.
Han H on Google

When I came to them in the beginning, I was overwhelmed and frustrated with the entire process and unending forms, procedures and paperwork. After my first meeting with them, I already began to feel more confident and at ease with the entire process. During a stressful period, they always were there to answer my questions no matter how small it is. They walking through the pages and pages of forms and always making sure all my paperwork was in order and on track. I would like to give my big thanks to Ms. Duan. After my first meeting with her, I knew that I was dealing with a person who is highly professional in what she does. I am forever grateful, I will definitely recommend CIESC to anyone looking for immigration help.

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