Café Van Houtte

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Café Van Houtte

Address :

U. Sherbrooke, 150 Pl. Charles-Le Moyne, Longueuil, Quebec J4K 0A8, Canada

Phone : 📞 +7
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City : K

U. Sherbrooke, 150 Pl. Charles-Le Moyne, Longueuil, Quebec J4K 0A8, Canada
Josiane Tremblay on Google

J'étais une cliente quotidienne du café Van Houtte de l'université, tout d'abord pour ses cafés et ses faveurs mais aussi pour l'ambiance. Le staff y était acueillant, rapide et sympathique ! Malheureusement, depuis cette session je n'y suis que passée quelque fois... Le service est lent, beaucoup d'erreurs de commande et j'en suis repartie plusieurs fois insatisfaite. Dommage... ce sera le tim hortons.
I was a daily customer of the Van Houtte café at the university, first of all for its coffee and favors but also for the atmosphere. The staff was friendly, fast and friendly! Unfortunately, since this session I have only been there a few times ... The service is slow, many errors in order and I left several times unsatisfied. Too bad ... it will be the tim hortons.
Bobby Donckers (doncbob) on Google

Besoin de plus d'employées ou dire aux employées qui remplisse les comptoirs aide la peraonne seule a la caisse et au café. Il avait 2 employées qui fesait des aller retour en arriere et le pauvre caissier etait seul a tout faire avec un file de 8 personnes.
Need more employees or tell the employees who fill the counters help the person alone at the checkout and at the cafe. He had 2 employees who were going back and the poor cashier was the only one to do everything with a line of 8 people.
Laurence Fortin on Google

Le café Van Houtte était un endroit que je côtoyais très fréquemment. C'est pour ainsi dire 2 à 3 fois par semaine. Rien à dire sur le personnel mais en ce qui concerne la direction c'est autre chose. Le client n'est pas accommodé par l'entreprise sous aucun prétexte, les prix sont trop élevé ( Certes il peut y avoir une légère marge de manœuvre car c'est du café équitable , mais il ne faut pas prendre l'excuse du café équitable pour hausser ses prix de façon exagérée.) De plus, si vous avez l'audace de faire un commentaire sur quelque chose qui vous étonne, la façon dont vous serez reçue par la gérance est assez froide. Bref, oui le café Van Houtte offre de bons cafés diversifiés mais Starbucks ,café dépôt, presse café et bien d'autre encore vous offre la même qualité mais avec certaines valeurs ajoutées telles que la politesse, l'honnêteté des prix ainsi que l'amabilité. Sur ce, à vous de choisir !
The Van Houtte café was a place I used to see very often. It is, so to speak, 2-3 times a week. Nothing to say about the staff, but when it comes to management, it's something else. The customer is not accommodated by the company under any circumstances, the prices are too high (Certainly there may be a little room for maneuver because it is fair coffee, but do not take the excuse of coffee It is also fair to exaggerate prices.) And if you have the audacity to comment on something that surprises you, the way you will be received by management is pretty cold. In short, yes coffee Van Houtte offers good diverse cafes but Starbucks, coffee deposit, coffee press and many more offers the same quality but with some added values ​​such as politeness, honesty prices and the friendliness. With that, you choose!
Pixel Goblin on Google

Un bon london fog!
A good London fog!
Camille B on Google

Je ne sais pas si c’est toujours la même gérante, si oui, c’est une personne mal polie qui parle sur un ton condescendant. Si c’est toujours elle qui gère, normal que les employés suivent l’exemple et soit tout aussi désagréable.
I don't know if it's still the same manager, if so, it's a rude person who speaks in a condescending tone. If it is still she who manages, it is normal that the employees follow the example and are just as unpleasant.
Krysten Mercier on Google

Good coffe but it's really not the good place for this shop
irondog kefalas on Google

That is not coffee, more like a paste that was watered down and some artificial flavor was added. The best part was the Fanta.
Aycan on Google

I regularly go there, because I live near by. Spent a lots of money there over the last 3 years. What I am getting at is that, I have been their loyal customer. Today, I was kicked out of the cafe shop, because I first sit on a table before buying anything. A waitress came and she rudely told me to buy a coffee, or leave. And, of course, I left... But before I left, I talked to the manager and he said this is the policy there, although most of tables were empty (and, of course, I was about the get a coffee and my lunch there, as I always did). Well, there is nothing much to say, except that I will never go there again. I go to cafes often, and the last time something similar happened to me was in 2003, in a small American town. And, now again, in Longueuil...

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