BESIDE Habitat

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact BESIDE Habitat

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302 Av. Morgan, Rawdon, Quebec J0K 1S0, Canada

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302 Av. Morgan, Rawdon, Quebec J0K 1S0, Canada
Catherine Archambault on Google

Quel super chalet. Un endroit qui nous plonge dans une carte postale hivernale digne d'un grand photographe. Plusieurs belles commodités (foyer, literie luxueuse, sauna (malheureusement pas de spa), belle vaisselle, appareil bluetooth, lave vaisselle, etc.) . Pas beaucoup d'activités aux alentours.
What a great cottage. A place that immerses us in a winter postcard worthy of a great photographer. Several nice amenities (fireplace, luxurious bedding, sauna (unfortunately no spa), beautiful dishes, bluetooth device, dishwasher, etc.). Not many activities around.
Anne-Marie Caron on Google

Effectivement, ç'a passé trop vite. J'ai l'impression que nous aurions pu faire 1 semaine complète sans s'ennuyer. J'ai adoré le sauna, la bière autour du feu, autant que le confort du lit et du chalet. Une expérience inoubliable, à faire au moins une fois dans sa vie.
In fact, it happened too quickly. I feel like we could have done 1 full week without getting bored. I loved the sauna, the beer around the fire, as much as the comfort of the bed and the chalet. An unforgettable experience, to do at least once in your life.
Genevieve Rousseau on Google

Magique. Voilà comment je décrirais notre séjour à Beside Habitat. Nous avons découvert un endroit ressourçant, paisible, connecté à la nature, humble mais grandiose à la fois. Un bain de nature comme ça, tout le monde peut en bénéficier. Non seulement l'architecture et la vision du projet sont inspirantes, mais l'expérience sur place est géniale. On se sent reçu comme chez des amis, un petit guide nous y attend et il y a une abondance d'activités à faire. Je vous invite à vous déconnecter le plus possible (télécharger vos séries d'avance au besoin) mais l'effet "digital detox" fait vraiment du bien! On a profité du sauna, de la super cuisine, du foyer et on a découvert une belle région. À refaire. :)
Magical. This is how I would describe our stay at Beside Habitat. We discovered a rejuvenating, peaceful place, connected to nature, humble but grandiose at the same time. A bath in nature like this, everyone can benefit from it. Not only is the architecture and vision of the project inspiring, but the on-site experience is awesome. We feel welcomed as among friends, a little guide awaits us and there are plenty of activities to do. I invite you to disconnect as much as possible (download your series in advance if necessary) but the "digital detox" effect is really good! We took advantage of the sauna, the great kitchen, the fireplace and we discovered a beautiful region. To do again. :)
charles rinfret on Google

Mon expérience a été magnifique. Tout à été pensé, conçu, réfléchie intelligemment, respectueusement. L’endroit, L’espace est inspirant. On se sent intégré à la nature , respecté. Le temps s’arrête , le temps de prendre une pause pour se poser, créer de l’espace en soi. J’ai pu prendre le temps de prendre le temps de faire ce qui nécessite du temp :) Lire, cuisiner, déguster, dessiner, écrire, relaxer, rien faire, randonnées, sauna au retour, admirer les couleurs, la lumière , la nature , échanger , être là au présent :) Merci !!!
My experience was wonderful. Everything has been thought out, designed, thought out intelligently, respectfully. The place, The space is inspiring. We feel integrated into nature, respected. Time stops, time to take a break to settle down, create space in yourself. I was able to take the time to take the time to do what requires time:) Read, cook, taste, draw, write, relax, do nothing, hikes, sauna on the way back, admire the colors, the light, nature , exchange, be there in the present :) Thank you !!!
Marc-André La Barre on Google

Le chalet est tellement bien pensé à tous les niveaux! Autant l'architecture, les meubles que tous les accessoires qui sont inclus. Une place géniale pour aller relaxer et bouger dans le bois :)
The chalet is so well thought out on all levels! As much the architecture, the furniture as all the accessories that are included. A great place to relax and move in the woods :)
Valeriy Zhykharevych on Google

I love the idea of such vacation villages where you can enjoy nature and not feel the presence of neighbours. Will definitely be back again.
Guillaume Simoneau on Google

I mean, where to start. Everything about this place is so thoughtful and elegant. We came way too prepared ? Had a perfect weekend of fire, nature, swim, trek, cooking and friendship. Really can’t ask for much more.
Lee Draper on Google

All in all a great experience in nature which we really enjoy, the attention to detail the Scandinavia feeling clean lines and being a minimalist, I loved the fire and that you can cook that was a added bonus made evening dinner in the oven was amazing. The sauna was great was fun experience I did find it funny as l was the only one that got the right temperature for a good sweat. The only thing I find it lacking was wildlife there’s no birds or anything there was a book on what wildlife is around.

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