Barrie Transit Terminal

1.9/5 based on 8 reviews

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24 Maple Ave, Barrie, ON L4N 7W4, Canada

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24 Maple Ave, Barrie, ON L4N 7W4, Canada
Bleh on Google

The messaging system takes some getting used to. You can use it as a loose guideline, but don’t rely on it wholly. It will sometimes lie right up until the time it says the bus will be there and only update after that time has passed. And all of a sudden you have to wait another 5-10 minutes. The downtown station needs a complete revamping. The Barrie public transit office isn’t even on the ground floor, which is stupid. The janitors do what they can but it is consistently dirty. There are druggies and panhandling homeless people everywhere, but that’s normal for downtown Barrie. Some really great drivers. A lot of bad ones. Some just plain rude, especially a couple of men who just don’t want to be there. Some drivers who clearly don’t know proper driving rules. One honked at a couple of girls as they crossed an intersection... while the walk-signal was on. I called the office on that guy. Another got angry because another bus was is “his” spot pulling into the station. The driver, instead of simply taking the next open spot, pulled up alongside the bus, gave the other driver a dirty look and let the passengers off while in the middle of the driveway. I called the office on that guy. Another got pisses at me when I tried to helpfully inform him that the outside route display on the bus showed the wrong route. It’s supposed to change automatically. As I went to a seat the driver let go of the brake, let the bus roll ahead a bit, and then SLAMMED the brake. This made me stumble and nearly lose my footing. Then, at my destination, he gave me a dirty sneer and gave a loud, long honk of the horn after I stepped off. I called the office on that guy. There have been other, more minor incidents, but there have been MANY incidents overall. The weekday schedule is not great. Service ends @ 11:30, are you kidding? It can take over an hour to get anywhere by bus in Barrie so if you work a late shift... good luck. Weekend schedules are HORRIBLE. You may as well not even bother on Sundays. The cost is WAY too high. They charge the same as transit rates in Toronto. BUT Toronto goes 24 hrs. And they have more buses to cover the same route. So yeah. It’s not good. But it’s all I have so I don’t have much choice.
Chandni patel on Google

The buses are never on time. I had a 100B to take at 7:57 from Nelson street, and the current location of the bus was still on the Bayfield road. You can never rely on this buses if you have somewhere important to for.
Heike Jung on Google

Just now on Bayfield st I was driving behind a bus everything was fine and for some unknown reason a bus behind me guess he/ she didn't want to wait for me to make my right hand turn decided to make a left and cut me off to go back behind the other bus on the right the bus number was 1102 at 2:55 July 28 . So uncalled for all they had to do was wait instead of cutting me off.
Ashton-Elliott Mckenzie on Google

The quality of such a large cities Transat is appalling, there is always shady people causing a scene at the terminal, the bus drivers are more often rude then understanding, but let me clarify that it's typically the young drivers that are snotty. The older folks tend to always be pleasant and helpful, having three slightly different routes arrive all at the same stop 1 or two minutes from eachother doesn't make any sense, if they were staggered out there wouldn't be a constant 20 to 30 minute wait. I find occasionally even when they aren't full capacity they will drive right past you or start driving before you even get a chance to get your bearings. I've injured myself a few times just slamming into the side of the bus because they're more worried about meeting their timelines then safety. To top this off busses are never on schedule even when they do seem in such a rush, most of the time running 10 to 20 minutes behind or ahead of schedule
Owxnwyatt on Google

was waiting for the last bus of the night at mapleton and essa and the bus drove right past me and didn’t stop was boutta throw paws wit the driver not gon hold you
Anthony Macerola on Google

The Barrie Transit is the 8B at Georgian College yesterday. And once at the bus terminal the driver told everyone it was know longer in service. Had to wait a hour and half for the next 8B bus. The service really needs to improve because the bus are never on time. And there really have to do something about all the Shady people that hang around the terminal I wouldn't even give it one stair
Ronald Wiggins on Google

I work for Campbell Amusements in Brantford and live in Barrie in the winter. I called the number to get information on Go Transit on Sunday to go back to work. The lady who assisted me was amazing. She basically planned the whole trip for me. She made it too easy.
Psychic Madame Butterfly on Google

This bus line is quite frankly an embarrassment...Or it would be if the owners and shareholders had the good grace to be embarrassed . I can only say the level of service, value, and punctuality would compare with 18th Century standards when it took 3 days to get from Barrie to Toronto in a horse and buggy. It seems this line is endeavouring to turn the clock backwards The supposed 'express' bus now takes even longer than it used to as it's been rerouted to an additional stop taking an extra half hour- why call it an express?? It isn't anymore. Stop raising prices and reducing services and for Gods sake learn how to be punctual!!!! Absolutely abysmal - if I could I'd give it a zero!

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