Allandale Waterfront

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Allandale Waterfront

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Waterfront, 24 Essa Rd, Barrie, ON L4N 9C8, Canada

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Waterfront, 24 Essa Rd, Barrie, ON L4N 9C8, Canada
Taylor Courtney on Google

Although this waterfront station is extremely needed it is lacking in parking, amenities. There are no public washers. There should be a nearby parking garage to support the overflow of parking. Perhaps a proper terminal to house a convenience store. Maybe a hotel overlooking the bay to attract some tenants to the somewhat barron land. More trees would be a more appealing. Parking is number one problem.
Cecilia Bourne on Google

Need more trains during the day during the week. Also, a major problem is no washrooms. Everyone understands that im sure. A convenience store would be a lovely touch. Thank goodness this service returned to Barrie ?
Cal Dor on Google

The service is ok , I do here a lot of people complaining that there are no bathrooms on site but my main complaint is that there is no security on site . I there is always cars getting broken in to and bikes being stolen or stripped for parts . We pay very good money to use this service and the last thing anyone wants to see when they get back from a long day at work is that they have been robbed . They need on site security guards not just the hourly drive through that you can set your watch to . The place is being taken over by homeless
Tom Bezukhov on Google

Weekend service on the Go Train's Barrie line is a JOKE... absolutely BRUTAL. The trains usually run like clockwork from Monday to Friday, particularly during rush hour (if you're 10 seconds late for a rush hour train on Monday morning, you miss it every time). Then when the weekend hits, it's like the wheels come right off the tracks (almost literally) and all of a sudden Go Transit forgets how to operate trains. I get the feeling like they're surprised and caught off guard every time they need to run trains on a Saturday or Sunday, as if it's the first time they've ever done it. This is not hyperbole - the weekend service on this line is CONSISTENTLY BAD. I would say that roughly 20-30% of the weekend trains on the Barrie line actually get you to point B on time, 70-80% the trains are late. Granted, usually the delay is less than 10 minutes, but it has gotten increasingly bad in the past few months. This summer the train has short-turned on 2 separate occasions before getting to the Aurora station because they could not open/close the doors. The first time they literally abandoned us in King City on mothers day at 7pm - where 300 + people jaywalked across Keele St. on masse. There were only 2 busses waiting at the station (when at least 4-5 busses were required), so hundreds of poor people were left standing at the corner of Keele and King Rd. for God knows how long until more busses arrived (if they arrived at all). The second time, they must have learned a lesson, because they left us at the Maple station this time to wait for busses (which was a little safer then leaving us on the side of Keele St.). Both 60 minute train rides turned in to 2-3 hour fiascos. And then yesterday, the train completely died - engine and lights totally cut out - in the middle of the tracks, and we had to wait on the dead train in the middle of nowhere for hours until they towed us back to Rutherford and sent another train. Took 4 hours to get to Aurora from Toronto (roughly the same time it takes to get to Ottawa). I feel so bad for the poor weekend train conductors that they throw under the bus (or train) every weekend with little to no support when stuff consistently goes wrong. They're clearly operating on weekends with inadequate staff and trains that in all likelihood shouldn't be on the tracks (I guess the trains that can actually open/close the doors and that won't die mid-trip are all getting serviced on weekends). I honestly don't feel safe taking these weekend trains anymore. It's only a matter of time before their shotty and completely disorganized weekend service causes a serious accident. I will NEVER take the Go Train Barrie line on a weekend again. Monday to Friday there are never any issues, but on weekends, horrible service is clearly the norm. Two years ago, you could catch Go Buses from Aurora to Union that ran every half hour, and they generally arrived at union station in 40 minutes or less. Now - under the PR guise of 'improving service' - you have to catch a train that only runs every 60 minutes and doubles your commute time (if you're lucky... it could be tripled or quadrupled). Clearly, Go Transit and Metrolinx are saving $ money - I'm sure their quarterly profits are up and shareholders are having a good year - but there has been a noticeable decline in the quality of their weekend train service. I'll be driving to Finch and taking the subway to work on weekends now. That's right Go Transit, you've actually sunk lower than the pathetic TTC on weekends!
ca co on Google

Why can't (Barrie Transit) tickets be purchased here or at Park Place, two major transit hubs in the city? Barrie Transit talks about "optimization of service" a lot but they go out of their way to inconvenience those of us who would like to use it. Better yet, why doesn't Barrie adopt Presto (like every other major transit system in the surrounding areas) and simplify it for all?
Tim P on Google

Lacks basic necessities such as a toilet and all the shelters are locked during rush hour.
Jay Patel on Google

No warm place to stand in this freezing temperature. All booths with heaters are mostly locked in the morning and in the night and when they are not locked heaters never work inside.
Neal Bridgens on Google

Thought I’d look for a water fountain or similar to fill my water bottle. No such luck. Metrolinks wouldn’t think of that. Apparently not something their riders would want. Nice new station, might want to think about planting a tree or something. Great if you like asphalt.

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