Allstate Assurance: Agence de Laval-Est (téléphone seulement)

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Allstate Assurance: Agence de Laval-Est (téléphone seulement)

1040 Boul. le Corbusier, Laval, QC H7N 0A8, Canada
Louise Remillard on Google

J'ai eu un très bon service de M. El Basri pour des questions concernant mes assurances. Service très professionnel. Merci.
I had very good service from Mr. El Basri for questions concerning my insurance. Very professional service. Thank you.
Linda Morin on Google

J'ai eu la chance de rencontrer par téléphone M. El Basri pour mes assurances de maison et d'auto. il a été pour moi d un réel soutient. Sa patience et sa compréhension me mettaient très à l aise dans mes élans d' incertitudes et de conflits lors de l'achat de ma maison. Je vous envoie un énorme merci! Linda Morin
I had the chance to meet Mr. El Basri by phone for my home and car insurance. He was a real support for me. His patience and understanding made me very comfortable in my surges of uncertainty and conflict when buying my house. I send you a huge thank you! Linda Morin
PASTEL Official Page on Google

C'était une super compagnie il y a quelques années. Maintenant tous les agents sont bêtes du aux augmentations incroyables chaque année. 40% d'augmentation en 3ans sans aucun sinistre ou accident. Ils ne traitent pas bien leurs clients actuels. Ils envoient des chèques de 25$ dans l'année pour nous faire passer la pillule d'une mega augmentation, tellement insultant
It was a great company a few years ago. Now all the agents are stupid due to the incredible increases every year. 40% increase in 3 years without any claim or accident. They don't treat their current customers well. They send checks for $25 a year to get us the pill for a mega raise, so insulting
Miss Dayou on Google

Par où commencer? Je suis avec eux depuis 3 ans, très bonne compagnie. En fait je pense que tout dépend de la personne qui prends le dossier en charge. Une première personne s'est occupée de ma réclamation pour voiture 2022 qui a à peine 3 mois et 1400km~, j'étais tellement stressée que je me suis évanouie au travail. Elle était pessimiste et négative. Elle m'a même dit qu'ils devaient vérifier si ce n'était pas un cas de fraude. Je me suis sentie insultée, j'ai jamais raté de paiement et ce n'est pas ma première voiture assurée chez Allstate. En me disant de m'attendre à de mauvaises conclusion. Après une autre personne a pris en charge mon dossier, et là tout à coup mon dossier accélère et tout va comme sur des roulettes. Quand j'appelle au service à la clientèle, j'ai toujours du bon service.
Where to start? I have been with them for 3 years, very good company. In fact I think it all depends on the person who takes charge of the file. A first person took care of my claim for car 2022 which is barely 3 months old and 1400km~, I was so stressed that I fainted at work. She was pessimistic and negative. She even told me that they had to check if it was not a case of fraud. I felt insulted, I've never missed a payment, and this isn't my first car insured with Allstate. Telling me to expect bad conclusions. After another person took charge of my file, and suddenly my file accelerated and everything went like clockwork. When I call customer service, I always get good service.
Herman Vanderlinden on Google

Call them to have a quote. They told to write an email. I did a week ago and still no answer.
J B on Google

Worst service EVER! I contacted them about 20 times over a 6 month period to process the same claim and they never called me back. They’re useless. They’re cheaper than other companies because of their awfully unprofessional customer service.
Houssam Yamak on Google

I put my car in storage lately so I reduce the fees as I am not using the car during the pandemic. 1st time they told me minimum 3 months then they called me after 45 days to renew for another 45 days Then when I called to put thebl car on road they said that it is renewed for 60 days Then they increased my payments so I end up paying more then I was paying 30% more then the original payments. No one could explained to me why my monthly payments increase when somebody puts the car in storage.
Nosaybah Dar on Google

The worst company, they accused me of being the cause of the accident, even though it was clear that I was innocent. They agreed with the garage to take the franchise. I advise you: don't be with this company

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