The Interior Design Institute - Canada

5/5 based on 8 reviews

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701 W Georgia St #1500, Vancouver, BC V7Y 1C6, Canada

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701 W Georgia St #1500, Vancouver, BC V7Y 1C6, Canada
Michelle Diotte on Google

Hi everyone, I decided at 54 to add a second career on to my 36 years of Hairstyling. It’s never too late to start something new. Having said that I found myself wondering If I would retain the information as well as when I was younger but truthfully with the way the modules are written, presented & with the help of my wonderful tutor Wendi I was so excited from module to module I was able to retain the information quite easily. The study makes you push yourself to limits you didn’t know you had. It’s super interesting. I especially enjoyed the history of architecture. Learning new computer skills & drawing floor plans wasn’t something I thought I’d ever been doing. If you have a busy life & can't get to the modules, you can do them at your own pace. There was never any pressure. The fellow students are super helpful & very supportive. Use them second but I would advise you to question your tutor first. Their there for a reason, for you & to help you achieve this certificate. Lean on them when you need to. Enjoy & good luck Michelle Diotte Graduate of 2020
Sara de Jong on Google

The experience that comes with this program is worth a lifetime. After advancing in many design (and decorating) courses at local colleges, I found this program the most informational and inspiring! When considering this program, I worried that I would be spending money on what would be a "botched together - online program." However, I am here to tell you that you have nothing to worry about if you are considering this program! This program is in-depth and full of things that I was not even taught in person at my local colleges. I learned things that I never thought to be necessary for design as-well-as all the things anyone passionate about design would be excited about learning! In return, I am confident going into the world now as a certified and knowledgeable designer! All thanks to this program.
Ingrid Moffat on Google

My love and passion for Interior Design led me to sign up for this diploma, and while I felt I had a good eye for detail and design and had done some interior work for friends and family, I had no idea what to expect from this course, but I have to say it turned out to be one of the best things I could have ever done both professionally and personally to improve myself as a Designer. During this pandemic, the workload of the course kept me so grounded, focused, motivated and challenged, that I felt the need only to give my best as it prepared me for what to expect in the real world of Design. In addition, it pushed me to find innovative ways to demonstrate my skills in the use of software programs, drawings, elevations, brochures and portfolio development design so that if I wanted to open my own design business, I would have all the necessary tools and skills at my fingertips. Thanks to my wonderful tutor Sophie Seeger and the Support Staff at IDI for their professional, warm, friendly and timely guidance and responses, I completed my course with a grade in the nineties percentage range. I look forward to specializing in one of their advanced modules in the near future. In the interim, if you want to be a great designer, take the plunge and invest in this course. It is a lot of work but truly worth your investment, time and effort. Go for it!
Michelle Tasa on Google

As a previous educator, I have appreciated the care given to developing this course in a way that maximizes learning. This is the future of post-secondary education! The course is not bloated with theory and academic analysis. It is practical, engaging and hands-on. Each module builds upon the knowledge and skills previously acquired. By the end of the course, I felt confident that I could take on my first interior design project and succeed. I would recommend this course without hesitation.
Kaitlyn Rempel on Google

I absolutely loved learning about interior design through this course! I came into the course with very little prior knowledge about interior design and was purely interested in getting more knowledge in the field. I found this course to be helpful and informative, while still being fun! The learning was hands-on, and I felt that I was gaining real experience in the field as I went along and completed the modules. Although challenging at times, I am glad that I persevered and now feel a great sense of accomplishment for completing the course! Upon completing the course, I feel as though I now have the knowledge to accompany my passion for interior design as a potential business or career option! I highly recommend the interior design institute course to anyone who is thinking of interior design as a potential career, or simply a point of interest!
Tash W on Google

I stumbled onto my passion for interior design while going through the full scale tear down & renovation of my own home 8 years ago. At the time, I was working as a web developer at a large company and was very unhappy in my day to day job. The more time I spent working on my home and bringing the spaces to life from what I'd envisioned in my head, the more I realized that this was what I meant to do. Starting over in a second career meant that I wasn't prepared to enter into a 4-year degree program. Still, I did want to ensure I'd have the training needed to backup my natural abilities and give me the confidence to set out on my own. This course gave me exactly that. The modules teach you so much more than just “how to style a space & make it pretty”. I was pleasantly surprised at how in-depth it went on the foundational elements of design - even providing information on the history of architecture and the psychology of colour theory, along with the elements you'd expect such as space planning, furniture selection, and so much more. The course material is well-written, easy to understand, and the visuals help to illustrate the content beautifully. My tutor, Robert, was wonderful and communicating with him was very easy. He provided excellent feedback after each assignment and responded promptly if ever I had any questions. Now that I've completed the course, I'm excited to start my own business and already have 2 client projects lined up! I'm grateful for the knowledge I've gained in this course & am looking forward to getting more experience in the field.
Christine interiors on Google

To all who wish to have a future in interior design, this is the course for you. The course is so direct and equips you with all the tools you will need for your craft. I appreciated the simplicity, but at the same time, work is involved along with determination. Having suffered a stroke in 2010 left me with a deficit in my right hand, and I am right-handed, so I have a weakness with it. Drawing plans with my hand was a challenge, but my tutor worked with me, and I accomplished it. The Interior Design Institute helped to remove barriers and gave me the self-confidence I needed to move forward in this field. Willpower and the amazing support you will receive will help you to be inspired and help you to succeed. I never realized how many avenues of interior design there were, and the class helped me see exactly who I am in the industry and where it will take me in the future, so now my journey begins.
Sarah Kreklewich on Google

I enrolled in this course after looking at the price of this one relative to all of the other nearby options (which are slim in Saskatchewan, Canada!). The course itself has a lot of valuable information and definitely gives you a good foundational knowledge of interior design and the different types of documents and deliverables that you produce as an interior designer. After completing this course, I feel much more confident promoting my new interior design business and talking to prospective clients. If you are on the edge of pursuing an interior design career, I would say this is a great course to gain the knowledge you need to take that step!

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