Stéfany Lavigne & Charles Gouger Proprio Direct Sainte-Adèle

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Stéfany Lavigne & Charles Gouger Proprio Direct Sainte-Adèle

Address :

50 Rue Morin, Sainte-Adèle, QC J8B 2P7, Canada

Phone : 📞 +999
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City : B

50 Rue Morin, Sainte-Adèle, QC J8B 2P7, Canada
Jean-Philip Robitaille on Google

Super équipe! Stéphanie et Charles et sont professionnels et rigoureux. J'ai réalisé 2 transactions immobilières avec eux et tout au long du processus ils ont été à l'écoute, disponible et impliqué au succès de la transaction, et ce, tant pour l'acheteur que le vendeur.
Great team! Stéphanie and Charles and are professional and rigorous. I carried out 2 real estate transactions with them and throughout the process they were attentive, available and involved in the success of the transaction, for both the buyer and the seller.
Nadia Gauthier on Google

Nous avons travaillé avec Charles Gouger pour vendre notre maison et nous avons été entièrement satisfaits. Il nous a bien conseillé et accompagné à toutes les étapes du processus. Il est professionnel, il connaît bien le domaine immobilier et il est très sympathique. Enfin, il était disponible et nous faisait des comptes-rendus réguliers. Nous le recommandons chaudement. Nadia et François
We worked with Charles Gouger to sell our house and were completely satisfied. He gave us good advice and support at all stages of the process. He is professional, he knows the real estate industry well and he is very friendly. Finally, he was available and gave us regular updates. We highly recommend it. Nadia and François
Donald Durepos on Google

Service très professionnel, courtois et très bonne communication, vraiment bonne expérience sans aucun pépins. La vente de ma maison s'est fait très rapidement. Très satisfait de mon expérience. Merci Stéfany et Charles.
Very professional, courteous service and very good communication, really good experience without any glitches. The sale of my house was done very quickly. Very satisfied with my experience. Thank you Stefany and Charles.
Marie-Lyse Anctil on Google

Charles a su me mette en confiance et me rassurer malgré un marché très fébrile pour la vente de ma maison. Un bel humain, honnête, transparent et avec qui je ferais confiance à nouveau pour une autre transaction immobilière. En plus, il est entouré d’une équipe d’enfer ;-) MERCI à vous tous. ML
Charles was able to give me confidence and reassure me despite a very feverish market for the sale of my house. A nice human, honest, transparent and with whom I would trust again for another real estate transaction. In addition, he is surrounded by a hell of a team ;-) THANK YOU to all of you. ML
guillaume s. on Google

10 jours après avoir contacté Stéfany et Charles, nous vendions notre condo. Et moins de 2 mois plus tard nous avons trouvé une maison grâce à leur disponibilité et leur professionnalisme; ils nous ont accompagné tout au long du processus qui fut grandement facilité par leurs présences et leurs bons conseils! Merci à Stéfany et Charles!
10 days after contacting Stéfany and Charles, we sold our condo. And less than 2 months later we found a house thanks to their availability and professionalism; they accompanied us throughout the process which was greatly facilitated by their presence and their good advice! Thanks to Stefany and Charles!
Melissa Dulong on Google

De vrais experts! Ils se préoccupent beaucoup des besoins de leurs clients. Leur professionnalisme est parfait! En moins de 1 mois, nous avons vendu notre maison et acheté notre condo avec eux! Il est clair que lorsque nous vendrons le condo, ce sera nos courtiers!
Real experts! They care a lot about the needs of their customers. Their professionalism is perfect! In less than 1 month, we sold our house and bought our condo with them! It is clear that when we sell the condo, it will be our brokers!
Geneviève St-Maurice on Google

Nous avons reçu un très bon service avec Stéfany comme courtière immobilière. Avec notre projet de bi-génération, elle a su répondre à toutes nos questions rapidement et nous accompagner de façon professionnelle tout au long du processus entre la vente de la maison, l’achat de la nouvelle maison et la signature chez le notaire. Merci pour ton service impeccable! On se revoit au prochain changement de maison. ?
We received very good service with Stéfany as our real estate broker. With our bi-generation project, she was able to answer all our questions quickly and accompany us professionally throughout the process between the sale of the house, the purchase of the new house and the signature at the notary. Thank you for your impeccable service! See you at the next change of house. ?
Barbara Boothe on Google

Stefany and Charles are amazing realtors! I had the opportunity of working with them when I was recently looking to purchase a home. Stefany was one of the most efficient realtors I have worked with. We had a meeting time and she was prompt, professional, understanding and extremely patient. Stefany explained all aspects of the purchase of the home and most definitely encourage me to complete a "Home Inspection". We met the next day and Stefany went over all the paperwork and answered all my questions without hesitation. I had anticipated that looking for a home would be stressful and she made my experience a very positive and pleasant one. I would highly recommend Stefany and Charles to anyone that is looking for professional assistance in the purchase of a home. Stefany went above and beyond her call of duty, she was totally amazing. Don't miss the chance to work closely with Stefany, she is more than a Realtor, she is efficient and will take care of you! Barbara Boothe, Innisfil Ontario

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