St-Pierre Chiropratique

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact St-Pierre Chiropratique

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1353 Rue de la Sapinière, Val-David, QC J0T 2N0, Canada

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1353 Rue de la Sapinière, Val-David, QC J0T 2N0, Canada
Ève Gendron-Larsen on Google

Après une expérience qui m'a laissé hésitante avec un autre chiro, le Dr St-Pierre m'a redonné confiance ! Il est attentionné, authentique, professionnel...un chiro de coeur que je recommande à tous ! Il m'aide présentement avec ma scoliose et cela me fait beaucoup de bien.
After an experience that left me hesitant with another chiropractor, Dr. St-Pierre gave me confidence! He is attentive, authentic, professional ... a chiro of heart that I recommend to all! He is helping me with my scoliosis right now and that is a lot of good for me.
Jean-Luc Gagnon on Google

Le Dr St-Pierre (et son équipe) a changé ma vie puisqu'il il y a un an, je déprimais sur la possibilité de ne plus pouvoir soulever ma fille. Depuis, je n'ai pas hésité à référer Charles à plusieurs personnes et je continuerai à le faire..!
Dr St-Pierre (and his team) changed my life since a year ago I was depressed about the possibility of not being able to lift my daughter. Since then, I have not hesitated to refer Charles to several people and I will continue to do so ..!
Annie Martel on Google

Très professionnel, les explications de Charles sont claires et accessibles. Mon état s'améliore de fois en fois, je sens vraiment une différence. Le personnel de la clinique est gentil, on s'y sent rapidement à l'aise. Je recommande fortement
Very professional, Charles's explanations are clear and accessible. My condition is improving every once in a while, I really feel a difference. The clinic staff are friendly, you quickly feel at ease. I highly recommend
Émilie Beausoleil on Google

C'est avec douceur, écoute et rigueur professionnelle que Dr. St-Pierre vous accompagne dans le rétablissement et l'optimisation de votre santé. Dès la première consultation, une évaluation rigoureuse permettant de cibler un traitement adapté aux besoins de votre corps sera complétée et les résultats vous seront expliqués par le chiropraticien. Dr. St-Pierre partage avec nous ses connaissances et ses observations/recommandations professionnelles, ce qui nous redonne du pouvoir dans la reprise en main de notre santé globale. Assurément, je recommande les soins de St-Pierre Chiropratique, et ce, parce que j'ai pu constater et ressentir une amélioration très concrète relativement à l'alignement et la mobilité de mon corps. Comme il fait bon d'être bien dans son corps ! Prenez soin du véhicule de votre esprit, nous n'en avons qu'un seul qui nous suit tout au long de notre vie. :)
It is with gentleness, listening and professional rigor that Dr. St-Pierre supports you in the recovery and optimization of your health. As of the first consultation, a rigorous evaluation allowing to target a treatment adapted to the needs of your body will be completed and the results will be explained to you by the chiropractor. Dr. St-Pierre shares with us his knowledge and his professional observations / recommendations, which gives us back power in regaining control of our overall health. Undoubtedly, I recommend the care of St-Pierre Chiropratique, and this, because I was able to observe and feel a very concrete improvement in the alignment and mobility of my body. How good it feels to be well in your body! Take care of the vehicle of your mind, we only have one that follows us throughout our life. :)
Melanie Roy on Google

A cause d'une douleur persistante engendrée par la course, je me questionnais vers quel type de professionnel me tourner afin de m'aider à retrouver le bien-être physique. J'ai été attirée par la vision et les valeurs du Dr. St-Pierre et il a largement dépassé mes attentes! Il prend vraiment à coeur la santé de ses patients, son approche est personnalisée, professionnelle, et grâce à lui j'ai pu reprendre mes activités sportives quotidiennes en plus d'être sensibilisée sur d'autres aspects de ma santé. Je le recommande à quiconque qui désir améliorer (ou être pro-actif) avec son bien-être physique (et mental !). Merci ?
Because of the persistent pain caused by the race, I wondered what type of professional to turn to in order to help me regain physical well-being. I was drawn to the vision and values ​​of Dr. St-Pierre and he far exceeded my expectations! He really takes the health of his patients to heart, his approach is personalized, professional, and thanks to him I was able to resume my daily sports activities in addition to being made aware of other aspects of my health. I recommend it to anyone who wants to improve (or be pro-active) with their physical (and mental!) Well-being. Thank you ?
Chilly Daisy on Google

Service agréable et équipe conviviale, un moyen efficace de guérir les douleurs chroniques et persistantes. En quelques semaines, j'ai vu du progrès et j'ai l'impression d'avoir gagné en amplitude de mouvement, plus aligné = moins de douleurs ;) Approche globale (pas juste le dos) et bons prix. | Pleasant service and convivial staff, an effective way to fix old chronic, lingering pains. Within a few weeks I have seen progress and feel I have gained range in movement, more aligned = less aches. Whole body approach and good prices.
Pleasant service and a friendly team, an effective way to cure chronic and persistent pain. In a few weeks, I have seen progress and I have the impression of having gained in range of motion, more aligned = less pain;) Overall approach (not just the back) and good prices. | Pleasant service and friendly staff, an effective way to fix old chronic, lingering pains. Within a few weeks I have seen progress and feel I have gained range in movement, more aligned = less aches. Whole body approach and good prices.
MC Lapierre on Google

Quel bonheur de retrouver le plaisir de bouger sans douleur et la confiance en son corps! Dr Charles St-Pierre est un professionnel de haut niveau que je recommande chaleureusement pour sa pratique consciencieuse et son approche humaniste. Le personnel qui l'entoure est efficace et d'une grande gentillesse.
What happiness to rediscover the pleasure of moving without pain and confidence in your body! Dr Charles St-Pierre is a high level professional whom I warmly recommend for his conscientious practice and his humanist approach. The staff around him are efficient and very kind.
Sheila Anderson on Google

Love love love Dr Charles. I had major problems running and swimming. Off and on Back pain. My MD gave me a prescription of calcium, which did not help. Dr. Charles took an X-ray and saw that my hip was disjointed! His work on that and the rest of my body is very careful and precise and 100% effective. Walking is easier. I swam all this past summer, no pain. Slept full nights, no pain. His methods make me feel as if I'm in a wrestling ring with him, but I have to say that they work! It's not the typical cracking I've received from other chiropractors (in the USA). Maybe it's a Canadian thing? Maybe it's just a Dr. Charles thing. Whichever it is, I am so lucky to have discovered him. Bonus: his office is gorgeous with high ceilings and good pandemic health practices. Additional bonus: no paintings of Merlin anywhere.

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