Shanti Holistic Clinic

4.9/5 ★ based on 8 reviews

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3364 Boulevard Saint-Martin O suit 200, Laval, Quebec H7T 1A1, Canada
Laurelou HĂ©lie on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Je fais, en ce moment, la formation de consultante en santĂ© globale (AyurvĂ©da). Notre enseignante Tanya Dakhno-Lakeev, Ă  Shanti Holistic Clinic, nous transmets un savoir riche, profond et complet sur tous les aspects de l'ĂȘtre. À travers ces apprentissages, nous sommes bien outillĂ© pour accompagner les gens dans leur bien-ĂȘtre et leur alignement. Je sens que la formation a dĂ©jĂ  un impact tangible sur mon ĂȘtre ainsi que sur ma pratique professionnelle. Gratitude !
I am currently training as a consultant in global health (Ayurveda). Our teacher Tanya Dakhno-Lakeev, at Shanti Holistic Clinic, transmits to us a rich, deep and complete knowledge on all aspects of being. Through this learning, we are well equipped to support people in their well-being and their alignment. I feel that the training already has a tangible impact on my being as well as on my professional practice. Gratitude!
mary mhawej on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Bonjour, mon nom c’est Marie Antoinette Mhawej et aujourd’hui je suis fiĂšre d’annoncer que je suis devenue professeur de yoga thĂ©rapeutique grĂące Ă  la formation donnĂ©e en ligne Ă  l’école shanti holistic college avec notre professeur Tanya. J’aimerai mentionner que Cette formation etait plus que suffisante pour me preparer Ă  enseigner du yoga de façon mĂ©thodique et sĂ©curitaire ainsi. MalgrĂ© que c’est en ligne et Ă  travers l’écran mais Tanya Ă©tait trĂšs attentive Ă  observer chacune de nous et Ă  nous guider dans notre apprentissage avec patience et amour afin de s’amĂ©liorer de d’acquĂ©rir la confiance ce en soi avec de multiple outil de yoga. Le plus grand avantage de Cette formation en ligne c’est l’organisation du cours et les informations donnĂ©es ainsi que la souplesse qui m’a permis de s’organiser travail-Ă©tudes hors QuĂ©bec en Ă©vitant le dĂ©placement. Cette formation m’a permis de dĂ©couvrir pas seulement Les diffĂ©rents types de yoga en terme de posture et de sĂ©quences d’assnas mais aussi m’a permis de comprendre mieux mon corps en se basant sur la science Ayurvedique, de nourrir mon esprit avec des connaissances profondes et spirituelles Ă  travers la respirations, mĂ©ditation , la nutrition...autre Sans oublier bien sĂ»re l’énergie positive de notre groupe, le partage des expĂ©riences et l’échange des connaissances avec les autres participantes. Finalement, la formation de yoga donnĂ©e en ligne ça fonctionne trĂšs bien et l’apprentissage avec notre professeur Tanya est efficaces Ă  l’école shanti holistic college. Merci ?
Hello, my name is Marie Antoinette Mhawej and today I am proud to announce that I have become a Therapeutic Yoga Teacher through the online training given at shanti holistic college with our teacher Tanya. I would like to mention that this training was more than enough to prepare me to teach yoga in a methodical and safe manner as well. Although it is online and through the screen, but Tanya was very attentive to observe each of us and guide us in our learning with patience and love in order to improve ourselves and to gain self-confidence with multiple yoga tool. The biggest advantage of this online training is the organization of the course and the information given as well as the flexibility that allowed me to organize work-study outside of Quebec by avoiding travel. This training allowed me to discover not only the different types of yoga in terms of posture and sequences of assnas but also allowed me to better understand my body based on Ayurvedic science, to nourish my mind with deep and spiritual knowledge through breathing, meditation, nutrition ... other Without forgetting of course the positive energy of our group, the sharing of experiences and the exchange of knowledge with the other participants. Finally, the yoga training given online works very well and learning with our teacher Tanya is effective at shanti holistic college. Thank you ?
supadrew932 on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

J'ai commence un cours de Ayurveda a la Clinic Shanti qui me donnera le droit de pratiquer et aider les gens et aussi d'etre reconnu en t'en que Naturotherapeute . Je practique aussi le Reiki a ce College et envisage commencer d'autre cours dans un futur approcher et ainsi developper d'avantage mon cote spirituelle, Tanya , la professeur est extremement douer et professionnel et elle offre une multitude de cours . Je recommande fortement le College Shanti
I started an Ayurveda course at Clinic Shanti which will give me the right to practice and help people and also to be recognized as a Naturotherapist. I also practice Reiki at this College and plan to start other courses in the near future and thus further develop my spiritual side, Tanya, the teacher is extremely talented and professional and she offers a multitude of lessons. I highly recommend College Shanti
Gertrude Tahon on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Je termine ma formation d'enseignante en yoga thérapeutique avec le volet ayurvédique et j'ai vraiment apprécié l'approche et l'enseignement de Tanya. J'ai tellement aimé que je suis repartie pour une nouvelle formation en Qi Gong! Je vous recommande sincÚrement cette école.
I am finishing my yoga therapy teacher training with the Ayurvedic component and really enjoyed Tanya's approach and teaching. I liked it so much that I left for a new training in Qi Gong! I sincerely recommend this school to you.
HĂ©lĂšne Barbeau on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Ma recommandation auprÚs de cette clinique est des plus élevée.Vous trouverez le plus grand respect dans tous les services et cours offerts. J'ai participé au voyage initiatique en Indes avec sa fondatrice, une professionnelle de haut niveau, vraiment !
My recommendation to this clinic is the highest. You will find the utmost respect in all the services and courses offered. I took part in the initiatory trip to India with its founder, a high level professional, really!
sony sousou on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

A very fruitful experience during my ayurveda training at the centre. Thank you
Sujatha Nandakumar on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Amazing Ayurvedic therapie, very good experience. The head treatment with a special oil was unique experience to me. Thank you very much Tanya for the unique and genuine therapy.
kim on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I found a solid connection with Qi Gong. I was searching for an holistic activity that includes: Spiritual ,mental , physical as a complete workout. I have decided to attend the "Shanti Clinic College". Qi Gong highly recommend. Qi Gong mentally and physically recharged. My inner energy improved that why I decided to became Qi Gong Instructor. Thank you Tanya from Hakima

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