Parc écologique Godefroy

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Parc écologique Godefroy

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17105 Boul Bécancour, Bécancour, QC G9H 1A3, Canada

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17105 Boul Bécancour, Bécancour, QC G9H 1A3, Canada
Micheline on Google

J'ai beaucoup aimé ma petite marche dans le Parc des Gnomes. Bien sur c est plutôt pour les enfants mais nous adultes c est beau et l'fun de voir ce que le Monsieur fabrique. A voir avec enfants.
I really enjoyed my little walk in the Parc des Gnomes. Of course, it's more for children, but for us adults, it's beautiful and fun to see what the gentleman is doing. To do with children.
Jenny on Google

Un belle endroit pour prendre de lair avec son chien,c'est super beau le parc des gnomes, ils nous montre et nous explique sur des pancarte leur vie , leur langue, leur travail, leur habit, leur alimentation etc :) ,il a une tour d'observation dommage elle était fermer. Il avait une carte des découvertes cest le fun car sa montre quil a affaire au alentour jadore :) bravo au bénévole de prendre soins des sentier et du village des gnomes. J'ai pas donner des dons mais au moins j'ai participé à la propreté du terrain ,un peu daide ne fais pas de mal à personne , pas besoins de donner un peu de sous mais c'est le geste qui compte :) Ramasser un peu sur votre chemin pour aider les bénévoles :) jai adorer les maison des gnomes, les cabane à oiseau super beau et l'arbre a chapeau :) la boîte au lettre des gnome très original et super bonne idée :) on peut leur écrire une lettre :) Le négatif : les gens qui font pas attention a l'environnement 1er parc que je vois que c'est aussi degueulasse pleins cochonnerie partout emplus que la poubelle était proche et les pot de fleur ce n'est pas une poubelle
A beautiful place to get some fresh air with your dog, it's super beautiful the park of the gnomes, they show us and explain to us on signs their life, their language, their work, their clothes, their food etc :), he has an observation tower too bad it was closed. He had a map of discoveries, it's fun because his watch that he deals with the surroundings I love :) congratulations to the volunteer for taking care of the trails and the village of the gnomes. I did not give donations but at least I participated in the cleanliness of the ground, a little help does not hurt anyone, no need to give a little money but it is the gesture that counts :) Pick up a little on your way to help the volunteers :) I love the gnomes' house, the super beautiful birdhouse and the hat tree :) the gnome mailbox very original and super good idea :) we can write to them a letter :) The negative: people who don't pay attention to the environment 1st park that I see is also disgusting full of junk everywhere especially since the trash can was close and the flower pots are not a trash can
Ricardo Reyes on Google

Good place for a walk and even for bike riding
Chase M. on Google

Excellent day trip for the younger kids
Ninoska Giannavola Macaluso on Google

Excellent place to enjoy the nature, air fresh and the creativity of someone who create this lovely place to dream and play. There are restrooms, parking lot, info-signs to follow the walking-way and info about the species who grow and live in that little forest.
Ricardo Machado on Google

Awesome place to feel how is to be in Quebec. Get your thinks and enjoy a nice pick nick there.
Mohsen Shahinpour on Google

Beautiful place with unique nature and dense trees, suitable for picnics and walks, the temperature on the hottest summer day is also very good and desirable.
Debbie on Google

This is the best park I've ever been to! I am amazed at all the details and I felt like walking into a fairy tale kingdom. Highly highly recommended

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