Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies

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Contact Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies

Address :

75 Front St E #308, Toronto, ON M5E 1V9, Canada

Phone : 📞 +98777
Website : http://www.oacas.org/
Categories :
City : E

75 Front St E #308, Toronto, ON M5E 1V9, Canada
Joel Padilla on Google

Don't know what to say into this agency.
S Love Z z on Google

Horrible people! I am doing homeschooling and its legal in ontario i choose to do it for 3months and our homeschool was fine with it great school principal we moved to new area my child tried that school but there was a bully my child ran 3times away from school right when i dropped my child aat school as i walked our pups i told school we will do homeschooling n decide in aug what school to go they said ok np . I then ran into a neighbour a rude man he comes aacross as controlling he said why isnt he in school i said i choose homeschool he said no u cant u cant deciplin him he needs disciplin i said my chois and this horrible man called child aid on me! ZJUST SO U KNOW CHILD AID ITS LEGAL TO DO HOMESCHOOIING WE DO NOT HAVE TO DO IT IN A SCHOOL SETTING OR SCHOOL HOURS WE DONT HAVE TO FOLLOW THE EXACT CURRICULAM BUT THE HOMESCHOOLING A PARENT GIVES MUST BE FOR THE AGE OR GRADE. ITS LEGAL HOMESCHOOLING!
derek flegg on Google

“Harmful Impacts” is the title of the commission report written by the Honourable Judith C. Beaman after two years of study. After reading it, “harmful” seems almost to be putting it lightly. The 56 cases the commission examined in which the flawed Motherisk tests, administered by SickKids Hospital between 2005 and 2015, were determined to have a “substantial impact” on the decisions of child protection agencies, led to children being permanently removed from their families and files being left open. According to the Toronto Star out of the cases they reviewed Motherisk reported positive results 93% of the time and lets say Motherisk only strongly influence decisons to apprehend children in 56 cases, how many times did Motherisk results strongly influence the decision to keep files open and how much did that cost the taxpayers? Removal from the home — permanent removal — is not supposed to be a move taken lightly. The report goes over the legal principles, laying out that it should be a last resort. It is the “capital punishment” of child protection, according to one citation, absolutely devastating to parents, and for children it is “often the beginning of a life sentence.” Yet in the cases reviewed here, it is imposed, often apparently cavalierly and without even a trial, for reasons that amount to a punishment for being poor. https://hunchneck.blogspot.com/2018/09/concerns-about-risk-assessment.html
Brad Kennedy on Google

To Huron-Perth Children’s Aid How can it be legal to rip apart a family? This will be the first thanksgiving in 12 years that I don’t get to make my children dinner. To sit and know that even with all the problems in my life over the years, I can smile and be thankful I have them. This year I don’t know what I am to do. You are keeping me away from the one thing I know I did right by. I wish you could know the pain in which you are putting me through, maybe that would show you how wrong the things you and the society can do. You have the power to help so many families. Yet I have told you I don’t do drugs over and over and for some reason you still don’t believe me. Just because I refused a test that you dropped on me at the worst possible time. I had offered to do another and hear nothing. The court will find my doctor’s test acceptable. You have no understanding of the pain being kept from your kids feels like. If the society would only help My fiancé and myself instead of being a obstacle. She is a wonderful person that has been through a lot. If the society put as much work in to helping her as they have in trying to find out problems she had, her two girls wouldn’t have gone through so much. Just as she did as a kid. I have never put my kids in danger, and if you could think that I could only shows how little you know of me and my children. I really did hope you could of helped me put together a great family. I hope one day you will realize you have miss judge Her and myself and start helping families so I can yet be thankful that all of this was not for nothing. Yours truly Brad Kennedy
Olivia Miller on Google

I gave a thumbs up accidentally. The attitudes of the writer and myself are different. In the review, the basic safety of children is serious enough to invoke the legal interests of children's aid and the courts. Yet, the writer does not understand anything beyond his own comfort, “I wish you could know the pain in which you are putting me through, maybe that would show you how wrong the things you and the society can do.” "...I have told you I don’t do drugs over and over and for some reason you still don’t believe me. Just because I refused a test...". Dude, you ran out of excuses long ago. The courts said so.
Robby Zombie1973 on Google

Does anyone know why this agency is considered non governmental according to the website? And why do most of the workers do not have children? Are single parents of color targeted more as opposed to families who are white with two parents? And why does an agency more powerful then police, allowed to come into your home and remove your children?Canada, a country which promotes fairness, equality and freedom, allow such an entity to continue to practice since 1935. Curious as much as I am confused about the intentions of this agency and whether their mission statement matches their conduct, and if they abide to the Canadian Bill of Rights. Any thoughts, please don't hesitate to reply.
Barbora Bratova on Google

Medicalkidnappingontario.ca Watch Dubious Diagnosis on W5, CTV, to learn about the practices of Children's Aids in Ontario together with child advocacy doctors in children's hospitals of misdiagnosing children with child abuse (while they have a medical condition or are acutely sick) and kidnapping them from loving families.
Beast Dabeast on Google

Hey,, I’m a over weight woman that has not understanding of life so I guess this is the right job for me. Makes sense when this job only requires the min. Free money by working here says every woman that can’t find love for them selfs. Btw acid does a better job!

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