Meetual - Psychologues en ligne - Montréal

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Contact Meetual - Psychologues en ligne

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5500 Chem. de la Côte-Saint-Luc, Montréal, QC H3X 2C7, Canada

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5500 Chem. de la Côte-Saint-Luc, Montréal, QC H3X 2C7, Canada
M D on Google

J’ai adoré mon expérience avec David. Il possède beaucoup d’empathie, de gentillesse ainsi que de bons conseils. Je le recommande fortement!
I loved my experience with David. He has a lot of empathy, kindness and good advice. I highly recommend it!
Maude Trottier on Google

J'ai travaillé avec Paloma de Meetual! Les rencontres en ligne ont été encore plus efficace pour moi que mes anciennes rencontres en personne, car je pouvais prendre rendez-vous rapidement et avec mon horaire chargé, j'évitais le temps de déplacement! Je ne pourrais pas recommander les services de Meetual et Paloma suffisamment. J'ai réussi à transformer ma vie entière en 6 mois grace à ce service qui est en plus très abordable.
I worked with Paloma from Meetual! The online dating was even more effective for me than my previous face-to-face meetings, as I could make an appointment quickly and with my busy schedule I avoided travel time! I could not recommend the services of Meetual and Paloma enough. I managed to transform my entire life in 6 months thanks to this service which is also very affordable.
Monica Perez on Google

J'utilise les services de Meetual et j'en suis vraiment satisfaite. Rose Oudot, ma psycologue je la recomande fortement, elle m'aide et je me sens de mieux en mieux. Grace au site web vous meme prenez vous rdv en ligne mais si comme moi vous vous trompez son service a la clientele va vous aider rapidement. Le fait de parler avec votre psy en videoconference c'est un autout vous pouvez y communiquer en tout moment. Les prix et les plages horaires sont aussi tres abordables. Merci Meetual ! Monica
I use the services of Meetual and I am really satisfied with it. Rose Oudot, my psychologist, I strongly recommend her, she helps me and I feel better and better. Thanks to the website you even make an appointment online but if like me you make a mistake his customer service will help you quickly. Talking with your shrink in videoconference is an autout you can communicate there at any time. Prices and time slots are also very affordable. Thanks Meetual! Monica
Yan Martin on Google

«J’adore David (Mibashan). Il a une très bonne écoute et il dit toujours les bonnes choses. Il raconte beaucoup d’histoires et il fait des analogies pour expliquer des concepts et ça facilite l’apprentissage. Un jour, je lui parlais d’anxiété et là il m’a dit «Un jour, j’attendais l’avion…» et l’histoire qu’il m’a racontée était exactement ce que je venais de vivre, mais dans une couleur différente. J’aime l’approche qu’il a et ça fonctionne très bien. Il a une mémoire extraordinaire et il fait régulièrement des liens avec ce qu’on a discuté dans les rencontres précédentes On échange autant en français qu’en anglais et la discussion est simple. Mentionnons quand même que le français est sa 3e langue et que les anglophones auront encore plus de facilité à avoir une conversation avec David. Mais il est tellement bon en français que je n’aurais aucun mal à le référer à des membres de ma famille ou des amis qui ne parle pas un mot d’anglais. Je n’ai que de bons mots à dire sur lui.
“I love David (Mibashan). He is a great listener and always says the right things. He tells a lot of stories and he makes analogies to explain concepts and that makes it easier to learn. One day I was talking to him about anxiety and there he said to me “One day I was waiting for the plane…” and the story he told me was exactly what I had just experienced, but in a different color. I like the approach he has and it works really well. He has an extraordinary memory and he regularly makes connections with what we have discussed in previous meetings. We talk in both French and English and the discussion is simple. However, it should be noted that French is his third language and that English speakers will have an even easier time having a conversation with David. But he's so good at French that I would have no trouble referring him to family or friends who don't speak a word of English. I have nothing but good words to say about him.
Kate Q on Google

Very unprofessional and dishonest!
MER REE on Google

I found this website online so i thought its a great idea to meet a psychologist online save time and save the trip and since i’m having a lot of issues recently including narcolepsy that means i can’t control my sleep and on the time of the appointment unfortunately i fell asleep and i missed my 1st appointment i wasn’t sure how their system works i know that they sent me an email with instructions but i thought at least they would call me but of course they didn’t bother calling me they just kept sending emails that i wasn’t even able to read once i woke up and realized i missed my psy appointment that made me feel even worse so i called them right away and asked if they can help me get another appointment or if they give me a receipt for the insurance because i realy im broke and can’t pay for this the only reason i requested this consultation is because i know my insurance covers it the lady who answered who said she’s the business owner started yelling at me and saying you missed your appointment there is nothing we can do kept yelling and said i will talk to you as a psychiatrist now if you didn’t sleep you wouldn’t missed your appointment she was making me so angry then she told me i have a patient who lost her baby in a car accident and you’re telling me to fix your problem i was so chocked she was telling me this i begged her saying i’m a new client and i was asking for help as this is my first time with them to at least give me the receipt to get my money back she kept yelling and refused to help i couldn’t beleive what i was hearing this was the worst customer service i ever had they made my situation worse and took my money in full and gave me back this horrible service so unprofessional incompetent rude and doesn’t appreciate clients definitely not a business mind the truth is that those people they work with clients who are suppose to have issues so there are manners to talk to your clients you don’t talk to them and yell at them like this And if you can not help me if at least you answered me kindly and said respectfully i’m really sorry i wish i can help you or give you the receipt but i really can’t i would’ve been completely ok with that But of course no this isn’t what happened I don’t recommend this website to anyone after the horrible experience i had And i don’t need your excuses or replies You can keep them for yourself With this type of behaviour your business ain’t gonna go any further Because you showed me that you don’t care for your clients and you don’t care for your business image and you don’t care if you hurt someone else feelings and make their day worst Thanks to you I will never ever in my life consider to meet a psychologist online At least not through your platform
Javier Arellano on Google

Excellent, fast and reliable service. After having a major panic crisis, I decided to look for a psychologist. The waiting time was 3 months, something I wasn't afford to have. Asking my former health insurance, I found Dr Akl. Upon contacting her, I scheduled time FOR THE NEXT DAY. At the beggining I was reluctant, was it really going to work? Can I feel in a safe environment over a screen? It was very different from prior experiences. But after 5 minutes, I knew this was it. Dr Akl is an outsanding professional, always aiming to help and provide care. Having the ease to schedule time with her in 2 minutes, even for the very same day, provided me a confort zone. Knowing I'M NOT ALONE. A big part of having mental issues is feeling helpless, Meetual and Dr Akl conquered the feeling, and I feel safe and ready to continue with my life. And I didnt even mentioned the price! Which is cheaper than any other clinic AND you can claim it via the insurance.
W. S. on Google

I reached out to a therapist on Meetual at a point in my life where I desperately needed to talk to someone, the sooner the better. On Meetual, I found the help that I needed. Even without meeting in person, my therapist was able to pintpoint what my problem was. She gave me relevant advice and tools to better understand what was going on in my head. I would recommend online therapy to anyone seeking a fast and reliable way to get mental health services.

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