Garage Godcher Inc.

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Contact Garage Godcher Inc.

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772 108e Ave, Shawinigan, Quebec G9T 5K4, Canada

Phone : 📞 +898
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772 108e Ave, Shawinigan, Quebec G9T 5K4, Canada
Geny Montour on Google

Service parfait quand le temps est de payer votre acquisition mais le service après-vente et le respect des contrats de vente ne sont pas respectés. Personnel et propriétaire incompétent ou les ordres du propriétaire font passer les employés pour des incompétents. J'ai dû me faire rembourser mon achat avec dédommagement à cause des réparations qui devaient être fait (mentionné sur le contrat de vente) et d'autres payés mais ils n'ont jamais été réalisés.
Perfect service when the time is to pay for your purchase but after-sales service and respect for sales contracts are not respected. Incompetent staff and owner or owner's orders make employees look incompetent. I had to be reimbursed for my purchase with compensation because of the repairs that had to be done (mentioned on the sales contract) and others paid but they were never made.
Alain Girard on Google

J’y vais depuis plusieurs années et la nouvelle équipe dirigé par Fred et Josyanne sont vraiment sympathique! Bravo pour leur service et leur travail.
I've been going there for several years and the new team led by Fred and Josyanne are really nice! Well done for their service and their work.
Charles Sicard on Google

Je recommande Godcher Sport a 100% super service de vente et après vente! Service PARFAIT du début à la fin!
I recommend Godcher Sport has 100% great sales and after sales service! PERFECT service from start to finish!
alain maheu on Google

J’ai acheté une petite remorque Remeq ,le prix était un peu plus élevé qu’ailleurs mais Josiane qui est très gentille me la baissé un peu . Jusqu’à la tout va bien . Elle m’offre d’installer des ancrages et un spare avec son support . Je lui acheté 2 ancrages installé et le spare avec son support installé aussi. Je pars de la et rendu chez moi à 1:30 de route plus tard ,je me rend compte qu’ils ont installé les ancrages à l’envers les anneaux font face vers l’extérieur de chaque côté . Je les appel immédiatement et on me rappelle pour me dire qu’ils comprennent pas et qu’ils vont me rappeler. J’ai relancé 3 fois ma vendeuse qui ne sais pas quoi me dire comme le service non plus . Ils ce lance la balle du service aux ventes et le tout à 10 pieds de distance. Alors 4 jours plus tard toujours pas eu de nouvelles d’eux . Alors pour le service et service après vente je vous suggère d’aller ailleurs. Je vais aussi contacter Remeq pour leurs faire pars du service après ventes de leur distributeur. Ça va me couté 100$ pour faire réparer leurs incompétences ailleurs. Dommage car je voulais encouragé une entreprise québécoise avec un produits québécois .
I bought a small Remeq trailer, the price was a bit higher than elsewhere but Josiane, who is very nice, lowered it to me a bit. Until then all is well. It offers me to install anchors and a spare with its support. I bought him 2 anchors installed and the spare with its support installed too. I leave there and made it home a 1:30 drive later, I realize that they've installed the anchors upside down with the rings facing outward on either side. I call them immediately and they call me back to tell me that they don't understand and that they will call me back. I have relaunched my salesperson 3 times, who doesn't know what to tell me about the service either. They throw the ball from the sales department and all 10 feet away. So 4 days later still haven't heard from them. So for service and after sales service I suggest you go elsewhere. I will also contact Remeq to make them part of the after sales service of their distributor. It will cost me $ 100 to have their incompetence fixed elsewhere. Too bad because I wanted to encourage a Quebec company with Quebec products.
OutdoorMan 77 on Google

J'ai fait l'achat d'une remorque à bateau et tous c'est bien passés. Merci!
I bought a boat trailer and everything went well. Thanks!
SKILLMxTeam on Google

ACHETÉ JAMAIS DE MACHINE USAGER LÀ ! Il vous dise toute et n'importe quoi pour que vous achetez là mais rien de vrai. Les machines ne son pas inspecté et aucune entretien avant vente est faite. Le pire service après vente jamais vu ! Il vous transfère d'un service à l'autre pour ne pas vous parler. Et ne vous rappelle jamais... Allez achetez n'importe où mais pas la !
NEVER BUY FROM USED MACHINE THERE! It tells you anything and everything for you to buy there but nothing true. The machines are not inspected and no pre-sale maintenance is done. The worst after sales service ever seen! It transfers you from one service to another so as not to speak to you. And never remind you... Go buy anywhere but not there!
Austin Chave on Google

I purchased a motorcycle early june of this year. In the negotiating process we agreed to include the service repaire manual in the price of the motorcycle. They didnt have the book in stock so they were going to call me when they received it. One month passes, so I decided to contact them. They told me they were having delays due to covid-19 which I understood. I work at a vehicle dealership and we also had slight delays due to covid. The lady I spoke to said shed get back to me in a couple days. A couple WEEKS go by and I call them again. Still absolutely no update on what was happening. Now a couple months go by as I almost forgot about what they promised me. I call them again and now they told me that it wasent available anywhere. I called my local dealership and they confirmed that it was avalible for purchase. I called Garage Godche right back and explained that since they cant seem to get it on there own, that they could buy it from my dealership and I would pick it up. I even supplied the part number of the book. They called me back two minutes later that all of a sudden they found the repaire manual and were going to send it immediately... right after I pay for it. But im not saposed to pay for it... it was in my contract that THEY pay for it. When they tried to make me pay for it they told me the price and I told them theres no way the service manual was only 40$. Somthings wrong. Service manuals are normally around 100-150$ I asked them to double check it was the service manual for my bike. They assured me it was. I finally recieved it in the mail just to find it was the onwer manual. Not the service manual. Its now been 5 months since I bought the bike. I was so fed up. All my coworkers were laughing at me everytime I called. It was so embarrassing. We finally agreed that I would buy the repair manual from my local dealership and they would reimburse me. I bought it and sent them the invoice. A day or two goes buy and I Email them again. They said I never sent it. So I sent it again and waited. No response. I called them to request an update and they told me the check had been sent 4 days ago. Why didnt they tell me? A week goes by and I still didnt recieve it. I called again. They told me that it had just been sent... again... Anyways. I finally recieved the check the morning. More then 6 months later... I've never experienced anything like this in my life. At my dealership where I had work, we would never make a client wait for 6 months with only one reply. Sad. BTW the front axel nut was left hand tight causeing play between the axle and wheel bearing damaging the axle. A clunning noise was caused in result of this. If I didnt catch that the front wheel would've came loose. Also the air filter was absolutely past due of replacing. Two repaires I found/completed just out of the 1 month warranty. I will never buy anything from this place again.
Nic Côté on Google

During this COVID pandemic, boat sales have been going off the roof. I managed to find a decent priced used Bayliner boat from Garage Godcher. I spoke to Fred, the owner and closed the deal in few days. I was worried about buying a boat I hadn’t seen and quite frankly a boat they had never driven themselves but Fred told me that in the spring he would get it prepped and test it out to make sure there was nothing wrong with it and guaranteed it for the 1st month. They were kind enough to deliver the boat to my lake and it worked fine for 3 times but then all of sudden I had a major oil leak. I contacted them and they came a few days later to pick it up. They fixed it and brought it back. The problem was with a fuel pump and was bad luck and no one was to blame. Fred kindly extended the guarantee on the boat engine until the end of summer and have been super nice people to deal with. I like working with a company that value customers after the sale and make sure you are happy. Hats off to Fred, Josyanne, Martin, and Stephen. Thank you for your great service.

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