Cosmétiques Idoine Bio

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cosmétiques Idoine Bio

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2177 Rue Masson Local 404, Montreal, Quebec H2H 1B1, Canada

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2177 Rue Masson Local 404, Montreal, Quebec H2H 1B1, Canada
Marie Isabel on Google

Mes produits bio québécois préférés <3 . Je les utilise depuis environ un an et ma peau est plus belle maintenant, à 38 ans, qu'elle ne l'était à 30 ans!
My favorite Quebec organic products <3. I have been using them for about a year and my skin is more beautiful now, at 38, than it was at 30!
Johanne Fondrouge on Google

J'utilise les produits Idoine depuis plus d'un an, et j'ai rapidement vu une différence sur ma peau. Je recommande fortement ces produits bio fait au Québec par une entreprise écoresponsable!!!
I have been using Idoine products for over a year, and I quickly saw a difference on my skin. I highly recommend these organic products made in Quebec by an eco-responsible company !!!
Sophie Sabourin on Google

Comme on le dit si bien: l’essayer c’est l’adopter! La gamme de soins Idoine m’a été présentée pour essaie. Sans aucune attente, j’ai essayé la gamme. Ce fût une révélation. L’odeur des huiles essentielles est tout simplement une expérience détente en soi. Sans compter qu’après quelques utilisations, j’ai vu nettement une différence. Peau plus lumineuse, pores refermées, teint plus égales, fermeté, cicatrisation de mes imperfections. Un vrai coup de coeur! La texture de chacune des crèmes est légère et les crèmes pénètrent rapidement. Osez Idoine, vraiment, vous serez ravie!
As we say so well: to try it is to adopt it! The Idoine skincare line was presented to me for testing. Without any expectations, I tried the range. It was a revelation. The scent of essential oils is quite simply a relaxing experience in itself. Not to mention that after a few uses, I saw a distinct difference. Brighter skin, closed pores, more even complexion, firmness, healing of my imperfections. A real favorite! The texture of each of the creams is light and the creams penetrate quickly. Dare Idoine, really, you will be delighted!
Isabelle C. on Google

J'ai eu un véritable coup de cœur pour les produits Idoine! J'aime la texture et l'odeur des hydratants! J'ai aussi essayé les savons et je les apprécie tout autant. J'aime aussi le fait que les contenants peuvent être retournés. Une belle découverte pour moi. Je commande en ligne et c'est expédié rapidement et très bien emballé.
I fell in love with Idoine products! I love the texture and smell of moisturizers! I have also tried the soaps and enjoy them just as much. I also like the fact that the containers can be returned. A great discovery for me. I order online and it is shipped quickly and very well packaged.
Julie Lambert on Google

Je viens tout juste de découvrir ces merveilleux produits Québécois! J'ai commandé en ligne le lundi matin et le mardi après-midi j'avais déjà reçu mes produits! Très bel emballage aussi! J'ai acheté les 4 étapes pour les peaux mixtes. 4e journée que j'utilise les produits et WOW! J'ai une peau très sensible, acnéique, avec rougeur ... et c'est la 1ère fois que j'utilise des produits qui ne brûle pas, qui ne chauffe pas et que je deviens pas le visage tout rouge. Au contraire en seulement une utilisation presque toutes les rougeurs de mon acné a disparu! Ma peau est tellement douce, n'est pas reluisante et ne reste pas grasse dans ma zone "T". Tous les produits sentent très bon! Et j'adore l'exfoliant! Merci Idoine ❤️
I have just discovered these wonderful Quebec products! I ordered online on Monday morning and by Tuesday afternoon I had already received my products! Very nice packaging too! I bought the 4 steps for combination skin. 4th day that I use the products and WOW! I have very sensitive, acne-prone skin with redness ... and this is the first time that I have used products that do not burn, that do not heat up and that my face is not all red. On the contrary in just one use almost all the redness of my acne is gone! My skin is so soft, is not shiny and does not stay oily in my "T" zone. All the products smell very good! And I love the exfoliant! Thank you Idoine ❤️
Cindy Hamel on Google

J'ai découvert ces produits et j'en suis ravie! La peau devient douce, bien hydratée, teint plus uniforme et les rougeurs +imperfections disparaissent peu à peu. Les bouteilles de verre que l'on peut rapporter aux points de vente sont un plus ! Fini les produits dans du plastique !
I discovered these products and I am delighted! The skin becomes soft, well hydrated, more even complexion and the redness + imperfections gradually disappear. Glass bottles that can be brought back to points of sale are a plus! No more plastic products!
Soul Quartier on Google

I have been using natural/organic products for 20 years. Great brands and formulas from Europe and North America, but nothing really like Idoine. This is truly a next level for me and my family! I shop online and their customer service is more than excellent!! Congratulations for this beautiful project. Health, love, imagination and serenity for everyone!
Sophie Tetreault on Google

TL:DR = AMAZING PRODUCTS, AMAZING SERVICE. Can't recommend strongly enough ❤ What a gem of a brand. I am so happy that I stumbled across their range of products in a small shop on Mont-Royal ave. Always looking to buy locally and support smaller businesses, the ingredient lists on their products had me excited to take the leap and try them out. I have since ordered more of what they have to offer, but my initial 'coup-de-coeur' products were the Anti-Aging Night and Day creams, as well as their serum. I have sensitive dry pale skin with a tendency towards excessive redness (thank you genetics) and winter always makes it worse. I have tried a lot of different skincare products to help, but none have blown me away like this. I couldn't believe the difference these 3 products made for my skin. Let me sum up the wonderful changes I noticed in my skin: - Less redness - Less occasional blemishes - Overall improvement in 'glow' - Increased softness - Did I mention added moisture and hydration? Because WOW. I am so much happier with the way my skin looks and feels, you'll have to drag me kicking and screaming from this range of skincare products. The creams last a good long time, you can get a lot of mileage out of them. I used those three initial products over the winter for roughly 4 1/2 months! They are also a very eco-conscious company, which is wonderful. Having ordered more products from home since my first purchase (thanks COVID quarantine) I was happy to see that they make sure their packaging is fully recyclable. Their bar soap is also wonderful, highly recommend. Beautiful scents, soft on skin. I got the eco-friendly pack that provides a beautiful locally carved wooden soap block and love it so much! They also have reusable makeup removal cloth pads! Stop me now, I could go on all day about why I love these guys. To the Idoine Bio team, thank you so much for your hard work and commitment to excellence, your customer service is also stellar.

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