Claudia Gomes Residential Real Estate Broker - RE-MAX 3000

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Claudia Gomes Residential Real Estate Broker - RE/MAX 3000

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9280 Bd de l'Acadie, Montreal, Quebec H4N 3C5, Canada

Phone : 📞 +78
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9280 Bd de l'Acadie, Montreal, Quebec H4N 3C5, Canada
Denilson Stadler on Google

Nas duas vezes que buscamos imóveis para locação aqui em Montreal, contamos com a preciosa ajuda da Claudia, que além da dedicação e atenção, possui um conhecimento bastante apurado das regiões e características de diversas regiões da cidade. Eu já a recomendei para outros amigos e conhecidos e recomendo a todos que precisam de ajuda na locação de imóveis. Parabéns Claudia!
In the two times that we are looking for real estate for rent here in Montreal, we count on the precious help of Claudia, who besides the dedication and attention, has a very accurate knowledge of the regions and characteristics of several regions of the city. I have already recommended it to other friends and acquaintances and recommend it to everyone who needs help in the rental of real estate. Congratulations Claudia!
Juju C. on Google

Claudia a offert un service impeccable: photos et promotion dans les réseaux sociaux, suivi quotidiens par téléphone, texto, courriel, etc. Conseils et recommandations sur les potentiels locataires. En plus, elle entretien un réseau actif dans les milieux anglophones, francophone et allophone, aussi auprès des nouveaux arrivants, ce qui augmente considérablement les possibilités de location. Je la recommande fortement!
Claudia offered an impeccable service: photos and promotion in social networks, daily follow-up by phone, text message, email, etc. Advice and recommendations on potential tenants. In addition, it maintains an active network in anglophone, francophone and allophone communities, as well as for newcomers, which considerably increases rental opportunities. I highly recommend it!
najara belo on Google

excelente profissional. Sempre disponível. Fizemos uma quantidade imensa de visitas e Cláudia estava sempre de bom humor, dava bons conselhos e nos ajudou a encontrar uma bela casa. Cláudia était toujours disponible. On a fait plusieurs visites et elle a toujours donné de bons conseils. Je recommande fortement.
excellent professional. Always available. We made a huge amount of visits and Cláudia was always in a good mood, gave good advice and helped us find a nice house. Claudia is available toujours. On a fait plusieurs you visit the toujours donné of good conseils. Je strongly recommend.
Cristiano Moura on Google

A Claudia foi nota 10 para nos ajudar a adquirir nossa casa nova. O mercado estava bem complicado, mas sua perseverança e otimismo foram muito importantes nos momentos mais difíceis. O resultado não poderia ser melhor: conseguimos a casa do jeito e no lugar que queriamos. Valeu Claudia!
Claudia was a 10 for helping us get our new house. The market was very complicated, but his perseverance and optimism were very important in the most difficult times. The result couldn't be better: we got the house the way we wanted it. Thanks Claudia!
Michel Douglas on Google

Desde nossa chegada no Canadá em 2017 a Claudia sempre foi a profissional que deu todo suporte, desde locações até/e principalmente na compra de nosso imóvel. Seu conhecimento e experiencia na area, traz muita segurança e é bastante assertiva na comunicação, não deixando duvidas (inclusive o que não é para fazer!).
Since our arrival in Canada in 2017, Claudia has always been the professional who gave all the support, from leases to/and mainly in the purchase of our property. Her knowledge and experience in the area, brings a lot of security and is very assertive in communication, leaving no doubts (including what not to do!).
Larissa Faria on Google

Tivemos uma excelente experiencia com a Claudia. Ela só publicava na nossa pagina casas de nosso interesse e esteve sempre disponível para as visitas. Seus conselhos nos ajudaram muito, pois, como imigrantes, nada sabíamos deste mercado. Alem disso, ela falava comigo em português (sou brasileira) e em francês com meu marido (que eh francês), o que foi fundamental para compreensão e conforto de todos. Somos muito gratos e hoje moramos na casa dos nossos sonhos. Obrigada, Claudia! Te desejamos muito sucesso!
We had an excellent experience with Claudia. She only published on our page houses of interest and was always available for visits. His advice helped us a lot, as, as immigrants, we knew nothing about this market. In addition, she spoke to me in Portuguese (I'm Brazilian) and in French with my husband (who is French), which was essential for everyone's understanding and comfort. We are very grateful and today we live in the house of our dreams. Thank you Claudia! We wish you every success!
Mariana Brito on Google

Claudia é uma profissional excelente! Atenta, disponível e super agradável. O processo de compra de um imóvel não é simples, mas a sua forma de explicar todas as etapas o torna menos complicado para os marinheiros de primeira viagem como eu e meu marido. Claudia não mediu esforços para nos ajudar a achar a nossa casa. Visitou quantas propriedades foi possível e abriu os nossos olhos para possíveis futuros problemas. Obrigada por tudo, Claudia. Recomendo essa profissional de olhos fechados.
Claudia is an excellent professional! Attentive, available and super nice. The process of buying a property is not simple, but your way of explaining all the steps makes it less complicated for first-timers like me and my husband. Claudia spared no effort to help us find our home. He visited as many properties as possible and opened our eyes to possible future problems. Thanks for everything, Claudia. I recommend this professional with her eyes closed.
Leticia Stadler on Google

Claudia is an amazing real state broker. We were looking for a house during these unprecedented times that impacted directly in the real state market. She helped us with transparency and ethic, values very important to us. After some months of patience and tons of visits where she supported us with her high experience related to location and negotiation, we succeed in finding a really good house. Now we're enjoying living in our new home. Thank you so much, Claudia!

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