Cimetière Catholique de Lachine - Lachine

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cimetière Catholique de Lachine

Address :

2360 Rue Provost, Lachine, QC, Canada

Phone : 📞 +78
Website :
Categories :

2360 Rue Provost, Lachine, QC, Canada
Samuel Aubry on Google

Paisible et très bien entretenue. Je le recommande à quiconque veut reposer en paix.
Peaceful and very well maintained. I recommend it to anyone who wants to rest in peace.
Julien Bonnier on Google

Joli cimetière, bien entretenu. Plusieurs portails ingress y sont cachés.
Nice cemetery, well maintained. Several ingress portals are hidden there.
Michel Robinette on Google

Ambiance macabre et nous ressentons l’odeur du mort
Macabre atmosphere and we can smell the dead man
Annick Boily on Google

Ils ont perdu le corps de mon arrière grand-mère et semblent indifférents. Je suis outrée, belle gestion!
They lost my great grandmother's body and seem indifferent. I am outraged, beautiful management!
Kevin Boucher on Google

Ce cimetière à été inauguré vers l'an 1906! Auparavant situé derrière l'église des Saints-Anges, plusieurs personnalités importantes pour la communauté de Lachine y sont toujours inhumées.
This cemetery was inaugurated around the year 1906! Previously located behind the church of Saints-Angels, several important personalities for the community of Lachine are still buried there.
laurianne 123 on Google

il ont échapper le cerceuil de ma mamie après avoir oublier la date du funérails. pire experience de tout ma vie, (il ont caser sont épaule alors quelle était déjâ morte).
he dropped my grandma's coffin after forgetting the date of the funeral. worst experience of all my life, (he had to squeeze his shoulder when she was already dead).
Dius Rx on Google

Dub Stepp on Google

As a dead man, I really enjoy being buried here. It's close to a little store where I can buy stuff to eat when I get hungry. I'd recommend burying your close ones here, preferably next to the row 15 because for now I'm lonely in here.

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