Centre Chiropratique de Longueuil

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Centre Chiropratique de Longueuil

Address :

1185 Ch. du Tremblay #210, Longueuil, Quebec J4N 1R4, Canada

Phone : 📞 +87
Website : http://www.chiropraticienlongueuil.com/
Categories :
City : N

1185 Ch. du Tremblay #210, Longueuil, Quebec J4N 1R4, Canada
mathieu gingras on Google

J'ai récemment été me faire traiter à ce centre et l'approche du Dr.Raymond a été très différente des autres praticiens que j'ai pu rencontré concernant mes migraines et mes maux de dos. Une approche beaucoup plus axée sur des étirements et des pressions plutôt que sur des craquements constants. Un ancien sportif passionné par la santé.
I was recently treated at this center and Dr.Raymond's approach was very different from the other practitioners I met about my migraines and back pain. A much more focused approach to stretching and pressure rather than constant crunches. A former athlete passionate about health.
Genevieve Demers on Google

J'ai eu différentes consultations avec le Dr. Raymond au sujet de mes douleurs à l'épaule, au dos et aux genoux, mes maux de tête et mes douleurs liées à la grossesse. Je suis à chaque fois impressionnée par l'efficacité de ses traitements. Il a une approche très intéressante. Il prend le temps de bien ciblé la source du problème et il a comme objectif d'obtenir des résultats rapidement. Il donne aussi de bon conseils pour maintenir notre état de bien-être (exercices précis, changement au niveau de notre posture au quotidien...) C'est maintenant la référence pour mon conjoint, mon bébé et moi. Nous avons tous reçu d'excellents soins. Je le recommande à tous!
I had various consultations with Dr. Raymond about my shoulder, back and knee pain, my headaches, and my pregnancy pain. I am always impressed by the effectiveness of her treatments. He has a very interesting approach. It takes the time to properly target the source of the problem and it aims to get results quickly. It also gives good advice to maintain our state of well-being (precise exercises, change in our daily posture ...) It is now the reference for my spouse, my baby and me. We have all received excellent care. I recommend it to everyone!
Dean Dettmers on Google

Je donne 5 étoiles au Dr Raymond car google ne permettra rien de plus élevé. Dès la première fois que je l'ai rencontré, il était sympathique - écouté et jamais pressé. Je vais le voir depuis environ 5 ans maintenant. chaque fois qu'il a résolu mon problème et que je me sens de nouveau normal. Ma partie la plus importante du Dr Raymond est qu'il n'ajoute pas de visites inutiles lorsque vous n'en avez pas besoin. Il est honnête et excellent dans ce qu'il fait et je n'irais pas dans un autre. Quand mes amis me disent que je devrais aller essayer leur chiro je leur dis que non tu devrais essayer le mien. Vous ne regretterez pas de le voir Dean I am giving Dr Raymond 5 stars as google will not allow anything higher. From the first time I met him he was personable - listened and never rushed. I have been going to see him on and off for about 5 years now. each time he has fixed my problem and I feel back to normal. My most important part of Dr. Raymond is he doesn't add unneccessary visits when you don't need. He is honest great at what he does and I would not go to any other one. When my friends tell me I should go try their Chiro I tell them No you should try mine. You will not regret seeing him Dean
I give Dr Raymond 5 stars because google will not allow anything higher. From the first time I met him he was likable - listened to and never in a rush. I have been seeing him for about 5 years now. every time he fixes my problem and I feel normal again. My most important part of Dr Raymond is that he doesn't add unnecessary visits when you don't need them. He's honest and great at what he does and I wouldn't go for another. When my friends tell me I should go try their chiropractor I tell them no you should try mine. You will not regret seeing it Dean I am giving Dr Raymond 5 stars as google will not allow anything higher. From the first time I met him he was personable - listened and never rushed. I have been going to see him on and off for about 5 years now. each time he has fixed my problem and I feel back to normal. My most important part of Dr. Raymond is he doesn't add unneccessary visits when you don't need. He is honest great at what he does and I would not go to any other one. When my friends tell me I should go try their Chiro I tell them No you should try mine. You will not regret seeing him Dean
Claudio Forte on Google

Ceci est le rapport de ma première visite. Dr. Raymond a pris le temps de BIEN diagnostiquer mes problèmes. Mon problème à la cheville = Disparu Mon problème à l’épaule = Encore un peu limité dans le mouvement, mais la douleur est disparue et la mobilité a augmentée de beaucoup. Mon problème au cou = La douleur est diminué de 50%, la mobilité du cou est augmentée et pour la première fois depuis les dernières 3 mois, j’ai enfin très bien dormi. Je ne m’attendais pas à avoir des si bons résultats et si rapidement!!
This is the report of my first visit. Dr. Raymond took the time to diagnose my problems. My problem with the ankle = Missing My Shoulder Problem = Still a bit limited in movement, but the pain is gone and mobility has increased a lot. My neck problem = The pain is decreased by 50%, the mobility of the neck is increased and for the first time since the last 3 months, I finally slept very well. I did not expect to have such good results and so quickly !!
Alain Brochu on Google

Je suis un patient assidu du Dr Raymond. Comme je cours 4 à 5 jours par semaine, mes visites régulières (une par mois) lui permettent de déceler et désamorcer les petites tensions qui s'installent. Pas besoin de lui en dire trop, il sait rapidement trouver où elles se trouvent et vous traite avec grande efficacité. Jonathan (après 3 ans on peut se permettre) est très professionnel, sympathique et vraiment pas compliqué. Il a une excellente écoute et diagnostique rapidement les maux. Il est supporté par une excellente équipe qui vous accueille chaleureusement et qui essaie de vous trouver ce fameux rendez-vous dont vous avez tellement besoin.
I am a diligent patient of Dr Raymond. As I run 4 to 5 days a week, my regular visits (one per month) allow him to detect and defuse the small tensions that set in. No need to tell him too much, he quickly knows where to find them and treats you very efficiently. Jonathan (after 3 years we can afford) is very professional, friendly and really not complicated. He has excellent listening skills and quickly diagnoses ailments. It is supported by an excellent team who welcome you warmly and who try to find you that famous meeting you need so much.
Anabelle Varroy on Google

Que du positif à dire! J'avais une douleur dans le bas du dos qui était très dérangeante et ce pendant près d'un an. J'ai consulter d'autres spécialistes mais rien ne fonctionnait. Après une seule rencontre avec Dr Raymond, j'ai vu une amélioration de près de 70%. Il est attentif, calme et sait nous mettre en confiance. Je le recommande sans la moindre hésitation!
Only positive things to say! I had pain in my lower back which was very disturbing for almost a year. I consulted other specialists but nothing worked. After just one meeting with Dr. Raymond, I saw almost 70% improvement. He is attentive, calm and knows how to put us at ease. I recommend it without any hesitation!
Roxanne D on Google

Le Dr Raymond m'a été recommandé pour mes migraines par une autre personne souffrant de migraines. Je n'ai eu que 2 ou 3 séances et cela m'a tellement aidé! Ensuite, j'ai eu un problème avec ma mâchoire et il a réglé ça aussi, et mes mauvais genoux! Je peux passer 3 ou 4 ans sans visite, mais quand j'ai mal, c'est lui que j'appelle. Dr. Raymond was recommended to me for my migraines by someone else with migraines. I only had 2 or 3 sessions and it helped me SO much! Then I had a problem with my jaw and he fixed that too, and my bad knees! I can go 3 or 4 years without a visit, but when i have pain, he is who I call .
Dr. Raymond was recommended to me for my migraines by another person with migraines. I only had 2 or 3 sessions and it helped me so much! Then I had a problem with my jaw and he fixed that too, and my bad knees! I can spend 3 or 4 years without visiting, but when I'm in pain, he's the one I'm calling. Dr. Raymond was recommended for my migraines by someone else with migraines. I only had 2 or 3 sessions and it helped me SO much! Then I had a problem with my jaw and he fixed that too, and my bad knees! I can go 3 or 4 years without a visit, but when i have pain, he is who I call.
Kevin O'neal on Google

The women at the front desk are extremely rude when they speak to customers. I stopped going to the clinic because of one of them. She called me and started arguing with me on the phone over a matter and she was just super rude and spoke to me with an attitude, and the worst part is that there’s no way to file a complaint for this lady because they are the first point of contact when you call the clinic. Dr Raymond is an amazing Chiro, but the front desk people need to make sure they got their customer service skills on point. I’m desperately in need of Chiropractic care for my back pain, but now I have to look for another clinic, because I’d rather go somewhere where I will get spoken to properly.

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