Bulk Barn

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bulk Barn

Address :

444 McNeely Ave, Carleton Place, ON K7C 0A6, Canada

Phone : 📞 +
Website : http://bulkbarn.ca/
Categories :
City : C

444 McNeely Ave, Carleton Place, ON K7C 0A6, Canada
Elaine Gauthier on Google

I want to thank the store associates in Carleton Place for being so careful and thorough. Not only at the entrance but the lovely associate that patiently walked down the aisles with me and basically did my shopping for me. You're doing a wonderful job during these trying times. This too shall pass.
Moto Chris on Google

Not surprised to see other reviews like mine. Manager denied me using a reusable container several times due to very tiny amounts of lint and dust on the OUTSIDE of my reusable container. The manager is less then polite and almost takes pleasure in refusing you. Won’t be going back and wouldn’t recommend this location to anyone as this manager is constantly inconsiderate to customers and employees. I’ve watched her belittle employees and talk down to them in front of everyone standing at the front of the store, more then once. Not an enjoyable place to shop AT ALL.
J Hamlyn on Google

Every visit at this location is absolutely uncomfortable and upsetting. The manager yells and belittles her employees, she is rude to customers, especially the ones who want to take advantage of the bring your own container service. (Which is an amazing initiative that more retailers should adopt). Her behaviour is not acceptable, watching her shout or speak aggressively to employees and customers makes me assume she is not in the right position or work place.
Kendra Anderson on Google

the manager at this location is absolutely exceptional! She was so helpful and so kind to my daughter! I saw someone giving her a hard time about having to wear a mask which is absolutely ridiculous as she offered her curb side where she didn’t have to wear a mask or do her shopping for her! the older women on cash was also very kind. I’ll be back :)
Cynthia B on Google

I have had issues with the supervisor numerous times. Today's experience was the worst with this woman. Here's the incident report I will be sending head office: "I placed an on-line order on Wednesday the 24th, indicating I would be picking it up late morning on Thursday the 25th of March. I printed off my form and arrived at the Bulk Barn in Carleton Place shortly after ten in the morning. There were no cars in the parking lot in front of the store and because I did not have my cell phone I went to the front door with the order form I printed off. When I peeked my head in the door there were no employees to be found and absolutely no customers in the store. I waited just inside the door to notify an employee that I was here to pick up my order. I finally saw a young lady coming down the aisle and I held up my printed off form informing her I was there to pick up my on-line order. Instead of asking me for my name, she told me to leave the store because I did not have a mask on. I informed her that I had a health exemption and I just wanted to pick up my on-line order. Another person, who I assume is the manager/supervisor, was walking down the aisle and before this young lady could ask me for my name so I could leave the store and proceed to my vehicle, the Manager rudely told me to leave “immediately” because I did not have a mask on. I told her I had a health exemption and she not only proceeded to lecture me but she also told me to read the Health Unit’s guidelines. I explained to her that both my husband and I have serious health exemptions and we have read the guidelines multiple times. I stated that no where in the guidelines does it stipulate it is mandatory for people with health exemptions to wear masks. The Manager proceeded to argue this point with me. I got seriously irritated by her disrespect to customers and pleaded with her to just get my on-line order. They FINALLY asked me for my name. I went outside to wait in my car for my order. The Manager came out with her hockey stick and asked me to pop the trunk so she could put my order in there. She also asked me for permission to close the trunk. I of course gave her permission. When she walked by my car to return to the store, I again said something to the effect that no where in the Health Unit guidelines does it state that people who have health exemptions are required to wear a mask. She interrupted me and to my horror, the young lady who I initially had contact with in the store was videotaping the interaction. Seriously??? This is the way Bulk Barn employees are trained??? The situation did NOT have to escalate to this extent. All they had to do was ask me for my name and get me my order so I could be on my way. I was only at the doorway and holding up the print out of my on-line order and requesting service. It was clear I was not going to shop in the store. This is not the first time I have been lectured by this Manager at this particular Bulk Barn and clearly she is actually ignorant of the Health Units guidelines."
Rachel Hisko on Google

I am writing to express my deep concern about one of your Bulk Barn locations. I have had two encounters with the Carleton Place Bulk Barn Manager that has made me not want to return. Bulk is my go-to place for buying food with little to no packaging. So that’s why I love how you implemented the bring your own reusable bag or container program. I understand the Reusable Container Program has standards; clean, weigh, scoop, pay. I have reusable cloth bags, that I had washed 2 hours before heading to the store. I use these bags to retrieve my fruits and vegetables from the grocery store and would like to REUSE them at Bulk Barn after they are WASHED of course. Although, I have gone into the Carleton Place location twice with the same WASHED bags and the manager continuously rejects them because they have a small stain that I cannot get out. (Unless I use a chemical, but as I am sure you can understand I am trying to be ECO-FRIENDLY) The one day I went to the Carleton Place Bulk Barn I read the big green sign at the front of the store. (Your Reusable Container standards) The first step says Clean, so I said to myself perfect, I just washed them they are clean. The second step is to weigh your bags, they already have the weight on them so therefore I should be able to jump to the third step, Scoop. I put the product I wanted to purchase in my reusable bag and headed to the checkout, the manager asked me if they were inspected before filling them up. No, I did not because nowhere on the big green sign said to get the cashier to inspect your bag before using them. It just said clean, weight, scoop and pay. So, she rejected the bag, even though the product is already in them. So, since she rejected it, I had to pay for the bag plus the product. I was nice and just accepted the fact that I messed up. What I could have done was dump the product in the garbage and walked out, but I didn’t. A couple of days later I came back because I needed to get more bulk foods, I 100% washed my bag before I came, although like I said before they had a small food stain on them. I proceed to the cashier to get them inspected. The young cashier I was dealing with was very nice, she was helping me and weighing the bags. The manager comes in and was VERY rude to the young cashier and then told me that she can’t accept the bags because of the small stain. I immediately left the store and went to Walmart to pick from their bulk food section, it was very easy at Walmart and everything went smoothly. If Bulk Barn as a company wants to make a difference and help consumers buy less packaging, I believe you should make it easier for the customer to reuse their bags. Making it difficult will steer them away, just like how it did me. If I can’t reuse my bags at Bulk Barn because they have a small stain on them, that will not come out in the wash, I will not shop there, and I will never recommend the company to anyone I know.
onethumb baker on Google

The store staff get 5 stars but the company policies get 0 stars. We have been ordering our peanut butter (10kg pails) from the Carleton Place store for years now. We would order it over the phone and when it came in we would pay at the pick up. We have been informed that the head office requires payment in full before ordering (which is no problem) but you have to visit the store in person first to order and pay then again to pick up the order once it comes in. "2VISITS I THINK NOT". In this day you think they would have an on-line payment system, they don't. Food Smiths Perth here we come
Sue Stephenson on Google

Just left the Carleton Place Bulk Barn. I have recently moved to the area and also recently became a senior so try to come on Wednesdays. I have an accessible parking card due to a knee problem, but there have never been any spots in the lot, even though the cars parked in the designated spots often do not have the required identification. Today, we were accosted by the person at the front desk (shouting at us) that we had to bring out reusable jars for weighing. We were already on our way to have this done. The cashier was busy, we waited for at least 5 customers to be cashed out. Then we were impolitely dealt with and we made a decision to leave without making a purchase. Another employee followed us out and made the finger at us and yelled something at my husband calling him "big boy" and some other things which I didn't catch. Too bad this is the only store within reasonable distance for us to travel. We won't be back.

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