Bloomingdale Mennonite Cemetery

3/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact Bloomingdale Mennonite Cemetery

Address :

1151 Snyders Flats Rd, Bloomingdale, ON N0B 1K0, Canada

Categories :
City : B

1151 Snyders Flats Rd, Bloomingdale, ON N0B 1K0, Canada
Royce on Google

Used to be the dead centre of town.
sue pri on Google

Could you please mow the grass between the tombstones???? It looks terrible !!!!! My uncle worked for Woodlawn Cemetery 3/4 of his life and is buried there. To me this is no respect for our loved ones that had to be put there. Students could do this for minimum wage and would give them some money for the summer. This happens every year. Most of my family is layed to rest there and it is hard enough to go there let a lone to see the shape it's in. PLEASE!!!

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