
5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bio3fitness

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11500 Bd Armand-Bombardier, Montreal, Quebec H1E 2W9, Canada

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11500 Bd Armand-Bombardier, Montreal, Quebec H1E 2W9, Canada
Julie Brien on Google

Je suis impressionnée par tout ce que Sylvie et Dickens peuvent apporter à leurs clients ! Ils sont passionnés, intègres et tellement à l'écoute des besoins des personnes qui choisissent de mettre leur confiance entre leurs mains! Merci d'avoir croisé ma route :) Continuer à faire rayonner les gens que vous aidez !
I am impressed by all that Sylvie and Dickens can bring to their customers! They are passionate, honest and so attentive to the needs of people who choose to put their trust in their hands! Thank you for crossing my path :) Continue to promote the people you help!
Vicky Zmr on Google

Lors de ma première visite chez Bio3fitness, Sylvie a pris à coeur mes habitudes alimentaires que je voulais changer sans me priver des petits plaisirs de se prendre une pâtisserie de temps en temps. Ses recommandations ont bien été formulé dans un document pdf envoyer par courriel de manière professionnelle avec les portions de chaque aliments que je peux consommer. Dès la première semaine j'ai suivi ses recommandations et j'ai perdu 7.5 lbs dont je suis très fière ! Je continue sur cette belle lignée et j'ai pris goût de calculer chaque portions des aliments que je consomme sur une balance alimentaire. Je vous recommande fortement Bio3fitness pour vos objectifs en santé ! Un esprit sain dans un corps sain fait toute la différence :) !
During my first visit to Bio3fitness, Sylvie took to heart my eating habits that I wanted to change without depriving myself of the small pleasures of taking a pastry from time to time. His recommendations were well formulated in a pdf document sent by email in a professional manner with the portions of each food that I can eat. From the first week I followed his recommendations and I lost 7.5 lbs which I am very proud of! I continue on this beautiful line and I took a liking to calculate each portion of the food I eat on a food scale. I highly recommend Bio3fitness for your health goals! A healthy mind in a healthy body makes all the difference :)!
nelly tewfik on Google

Ça fait maintenant presque 8 mois que je m’entraine chez Bio3fitness a raison de 2 fois par semaine. Ils offrent même la possibilité d’un entraînement en ligne ! Les résultats physiques sont remarquables et le bien-être psychologique (diminution du stress, de l’anxiété et amélioration du sommeil) sont ressentis. Je travaille dans le domaine de la santé. Ca fait plus de 10 ans que je prêche les modifications des habitudes de vie à mes patients. Depuis 8 mois, je suis heureuse de pouvoir vivre ce que je prêche . L’entrainement Semi-privé est motivant par le fait que quelqu’un vous attend pour la session, ça vous oblige à y aller, l’attention et le programme est personnalisé. On vous demande vos objectifs et on travaille afin d’y arriver. L’entraînement est adapté et génère des résultats visibles et rapides. En association avec une saine alimentation, le succès est inévitable. Bio3fitness est la meilleure décision que j’ai faite pour ma santé. Meilleur investissement. Il n’est JAMAIS trop tard pour commencer le conditionnement physique.
I've been training at Bio3fitness for almost 8 months now, twice a week. They even offer the option of online training! The physical results are remarkable and the psychological well-being (reduced stress, anxiety and improved sleep) is felt. I work in the field of health. I've been preaching lifestyle changes to my patients for over 10 years. For 8 months, I have been happy to be able to live what I preach. Semi-private training is motivating because someone is waiting for you for the session, it forces you to go, the attention and the program is personalized. We ask you for your goals and we work to get there. The training is adapted and generates visible and rapid results. When paired with healthy eating, success is inevitable. Bio3fitness is the best decision I have made for my health. Best investment. It is NEVER too late to start working out.
A Lande on Google

Incredible location, extremely professional and caring team, how can you go wrong. Im enjoying every minute of my body transformation with them. Bravo!
Matthew Baccari on Google

A classy and wonderful training environment. Privacy, 1 on 1 personal training experience and group training. Access to on demand treatments for rehabilitation or Spa like services such as facials and/or esthetics. An all around fitness and health facility.
Jordan Bieri on Google

Highly skilled trainers with a real sense of understanding on what their client’s needs are. The atmosphere is unique in its approach making it a real serene environment and zen space. I have always had a trouble packing on mass and this is the first time I am seeing real results following the specifically curated plan tailored for my body type. I highly recommend the Bio3Fitness team, they will not disappoint you.
Jeffrey Durant on Google

Four and half years ago my fitness transformation began when I saw a picture of myself and could not believe it was me. I stepped on the scales and saw 265lbs. I gave up beer and soda a tweaked a few other things and lost 30lbs in 2 months. From there I got serious about the gym, got as low as 189lbs and got stuck. COVID hit and being stuck went from being my fitness life to my life. After chatting with a gym buddy who had a similar weight loss, life style change that I did about "getting to the next level" she turned me on to Bio3fitness. Having never hired a trainer, I was skeptical. I thought what do they know that I didn't. But I figured why not try it out. Nothing ventured; nothing gained I thought and I always wanted to know the difference between a micro and a macro. One word describes my experience thus far - AMAZED!! 3 weeks into my program I am 9lbs down and seeing inches melt away. The meal is definitely "doable" and enjoyable as it provides you with options. The workouts leave you sore, but not in pain. The cardio, well no one likes cardio.... But perhaps the best part is the weekly check-ins. Dickens takes a vested interest in his clients and their progress. He and Bio3fitness embody my favorite quote about my healthy lifestyle journey, "it's not hard, it's just not easy". I can't wait for the borders to reopen to have an in-person session. Until then, it's zoom meetings and other digital means, so don't make an excuse, start getting results. Jeff
Alfonso Migliara on Google

I would like to say that my experience with Bio 3 Fitness since the beginning of my membership has been a very positive experience. I feel better after only a few weeks of training. The competency of the trainers are on point. Thanks to the competent trainers like Sylvie, Jordan, Dickens and Adam, I look forward to every session. Keep up the great work Team Bio 3 Fitness. Alfonso Migliara

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