Andy's House Treatment-Rehabilitation Centre

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Andy's House Treatment/Rehabilitation Centre

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By appointment only - no drop ins, 3360 Rue Notre Dame Suite 25a, Lachine, Quebec H8T 3E2, Canada

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By appointment only - no drop ins, 3360 Rue Notre Dame Suite 25a, Lachine, Quebec H8T 3E2, Canada
Mark N on Google

Without a doubt Andy's House saved my life. Not only did they save me but they gave me the tools to have a quality of life that I could never have imagined. I am happier now than I have ever been and I really owe it all to Andy's. The staff are amazing and the continuous aftercare is fantastic. I will never forget what they did for me. If you are struggling with an addiction I strongly recommend you give them a call. You won't regret it, I know I don't!!!!
Nick Valois on Google

I went into Andy's House a broken person. They helped guide me to a better way of life. All the staff were incredibly caring and understanding. I would recommend anyone who is willing to seek help to consider Andy's House. They changed my life. I'm six months sober now and happy. My relationships with my family and friends have drastically improved and I wake up every morning now happy to be alive. Words can't describe the gratitude I have for this house of love and healing.
Sandra McJannet on Google

My daughter entered Andy’s House 13 months ago. She is an addict and an alcoholic. Andy’s House gave her the tools and support which enabled her to stay sober. I highly recommend Andy’s House to any one who has a loved one who is battling addiction and needs help and support. If not for Andy’s House I don’t know if my daughter would be here today with us.
Stuart Waldman on Google

I entered Andy's broken; physically, mentally, and spiritually. I had very little hope left and was resigned to my fate. The weight of the world had sucked all of the air from my chest and all I wanted to do was numb the pain, cower into a tiny little ball and wither into non existence. I was consumed with a 40 ouncer of fear 24/7. While alcohol did the trick initially, as the addiction grew stronger, the very vice that was to be my remedy, morphed into a dark extension of the fear itself. A lose/lose paradox had manifested itself and I could no longer run and hide from it anymore. In Andy's House, I was welcomed with warmth and love, both from the counselors and from the other residents themselves. It quickly became my home, a safe place for me to lay it out on the line, and begin my healing process. The addiction specialists were very caring, knowledgeable and available to me. Not only did I learn the tools to stop drinking, Andy's House supported my family, and I gained a huge fellowship of support from the entire community. That little spark of hope that was flickering deep inside became brighter. I was inspired to be my best self, to live by values, and to be open, honest and humble. I could easily go on but here's what I would like to convey. If you are reading this and feel like you have nowhere to turn, I am living proof that there is help that works. The gift of Andy's house gave me hope, gave me will, gave me purpose, gave me health, gave me knowledge, gave me tools, gave me a friendly and loving community, gave my daughter her father back and returned me to life. I have been sober for over a year now, a feat I never thought possible in my wildest dreams. But it has happened! And if it can happen for me, it can happen for anyone. Andy's House: My home, my recovery, my salvation, my heart and my life.
Leslie Mccomber on Google

I will forever be grateful for Andy's House for all they have done for my son. When my son was ready he called and spoke to Mike and the process was quick to have him assessed and admitted. On a beautiful morning on November 19 2021 I dropped him off not knowing what to expect. From day one all the staff were there to take my call and answer any questions I had. Mike, Varainja, Glen, Andrea and all the staff are amazing. They helped us when we were at out lowest point in our lives, I am crying just writing how they helped my son and how thankful I am. The weekly family support group is so helpful, I have learned so much. My son came home on February 16 2022 and is doing amazing, the fellowship and aftercare is key.. He put in all the hard work at Andy's and it is paying off. If anyone is reading this and has the opportunity to go here please do, they are a blessing. As a mother I have peace of mind and haven't once doubted the process or my son for he has a solid foundation for his recovery. Thank you Andy's House for helping my son, and for all you do for me as his mother. I am forever thankful.
Wendy Nicholas on Google

If you are reading these reviews it's because you are looking for help and the best treatment/rehabilitation centre for you or a loved one, look no further, this home gave me back my life and a better way of living. Walking into a treatment center at my age of 55 was not easy but the staff were so kind and caring that I knew I was at the right place. Being First Nations, I wondered if I would fit in, but my case worker Varainja has much experience working with First Nations, and she understood me. I also have mental health issues, and I was able to get help and meet with the psychologist. There was yoga, art, and music therapy every week. The gym is also part of the program 3 x/wk. But more importantly, I am 8+ months clean and sober and my life has changed enormously, I have been able to rebuild relationships with my family that had been broken for years, I am regaining trust that I damaged in my active addiction and I am doing my part to be a better person in my community and in society. I still attend group meetings, and the staff is always available to talk. You deserve to have a better life too, so make that call and don't be afraid to ask questions, get the help you need, I and my family are forever grateful to Andy's House ❤?
Gabrielle Phillips on Google

Before I went to Andy’s house, I had been struggling with addiction for 15 years. I was so lost and I had tried everything. As soon as I walked in the house, I felt the love and genuine desire to help addicts. There is no way I could ever express the gratitude I feel for Andy’s house and the staff. This is now a second family to me and I would never be where I am without them. If you are struggling with addiction or know someone who is, this is the place that will save you, it will bring you back to life. The tools they teach you are priceless. I am forever grateful for Andy’s house.
colleen wicha on Google

I cannot say enough about the support and caring offered by Andy’s House. Our family has used thé services at Andy’s House 3 times over the past 16 years and that in itself should tell you the trust and confidence we have in the program and the people there. I can honestly say Andy’s has given us back our family members and a hope for the future that seemed impossible at the time. They truly are amazing and the level of support for the individual receiving treatment, plus the other family members, is incredible. They supported us through some of the darkest moments in our lives and for that I will be eternally grateful. And I would be remiss without a special mention for an angel named Glenn Short.

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